View Full Version : quick question

07-01-14, 20:41
hi i've posted on here a few times about a brain tumour worry. anyway in the past 6 months i have had tons of symptoms like
ghost vision
back pain
thumping heartbeat everywhere and can hear my heartbeat

anyway the headaches have gone now for most days and the vision problems and slight back pain are still there but nothing really affecting me daily.i guess my question is if i did have a brain tumour wouldn't i be in much more pain by now and could these symptoms be because of anxiety.
thanks for reading

07-01-14, 20:56
Yes the symptoms (apart from nose bleeds) could all be anxiety. Nose bleeds are quite common though.
If it was a brain tumour you would have a lot more worse symptoms by now. Have you been checked by a doctor about your symptoms?

07-01-14, 21:01
Yes the symptoms (apart from nose bleeds) could all be anxiety. Nose bleeds are quite common though.
If it was a brain tumour you would have a lot more worse symptoms by now. Have you been checked by a doctor about your symptoms?

not yet although i do worry now and again the symptoms have never been bad enough to worry me. i only worry when i'm thinking about it and google it etc. which is a bad idea :)

07-01-14, 21:06
Yes stay away from google!!

07-01-14, 21:29
Yes I agree stay away from Google, so much junk on internet that like me when I see something bad about any symptoms I look up my panicky mind will lock on that rather than the positive answers as it just reinforces fear.Always discuss with your doctor for balanced professional view.