View Full Version : seem to be going backwards...

07-01-14, 21:00
I'm not in a good frame of mind today.

I cannot rationalise my symptoms.

I've had this pain for months... like 6 months. It's STILL around even though my anxiety seemed to be getting better.

How can it be anxiety causing the pain, when my anxiety got better and the pain remained.

My doctor gave me anti inflammatory tablets for the pain. They didnt help.

I can't rationalise my thoughts. If the tablets didnt help, my anxiety got better yet the pain remained, and it's been like 6 months. It HAS to be serious.

I'm never going to get over this HA!!!!!!

07-01-14, 21:20
I live with pain. I'd say it's about a 4 out of 10 on a good day. I take pain meds every day and will for the remainder of my life I'm sure. It is what it is and there's not much I can do about it :shrug:

You had posted a thread about living with pain. Here's the thing. I'm sure you're experiencing real pain. Your doctors have ruled out anything sinister so it seems like it's one of those things you may have to just live with. You can see your doctor again but I have the feeling you'll get the same result. You've stated there are times your pain free and then there are times where it's there but not too bad. In 6 months if it was serious, it would have gotten progressively worse so where does that leave you? Perhaps physical therapy? Continue taking the anti-inflammatory? Otherwise it means dealing with it and moving on. As we age, we all get niggles and aches and pains. Arthritis, joint pains, muscle aches etc. It's part of life.

I hope you feel better.

Positive thoughts

07-01-14, 21:22
You're recognizing its irrationality, though, so you're still ahead of where you were.

And here's the middle part that you're skipping past--"healthy" and "painfree" are not the same thing. Many to most people, especially as they get older, have some kind of ongoing ouch that isn't going to harm them. The fact that your pain hasn't gone away doesn't mean it's serious. It may lessen, especially if you get more understanding of ways to help your body away from it in addition to dealing with anxiety. But I don't have fishmanpa's history of HA-worth disease and I still hurt in various places on a regular basis--I'm a healthy person with an ouch. Sounds like you are too.

07-01-14, 21:37
I know you're right.. and thank you for responding. I guess I just needed to vent today!

FMP.. I can't visit the doctor again. I'm too scared to. I havent had tests. She just felt the area and said it SEEMED muscular and to try the anti inflammatory. I cant get out of my head the thought that if it were muscular, the tablets would have cured it. So now I'm scared to go back because she will send me for tests.

I get that we all get aches and pains as we get older. I know that. But I'm only 29. That's not old enough for pains surely?!?!

I know people live with back pain, I've lived with headaches everyday since I was 15 and surprisingly.. they have NEVER caused me ANY anxiety. I got them diagnosed as muscle tension headaches and I'm happy with that.

But this bloody rib pain. 6 months.. ONLY on the right side. Wake up pain free and by lunchtime it's there without fail. Stays till I get into bed. If it were my whole rib cage I could understand it more.. muscle tension/anxiety.. whatever. But just one specific spot on my right side ribs.. that's just weird!

I'm not after a diagnosis off anyone.. I just need a vent today. I've been doing so well. If it's an anxiety related pain, it should have eased with all my hard work. My anxiety eased but my pain didnt :(

07-01-14, 22:13
I get that we all get aches and pains as we get older. I know that. But I'm only 29. That's not old enough for pains surely?!?!

~LOL~ I'll be 55 in a month. I remember my grandfather (RIP) telling me the day I wake up on my 30th birthday I'll have an ache or pain I didn't have the day before. Damn is he wasn't right! 29 is not too young to have aches and pains. Think of all the athletes out there that are torn up and washed up in their early 30's! Take an ache or pain and add anxiety and stress to it and it can make it worse, especially a muscle issue. You're always tense so it never has time to heal ;) Try a hot bath and the anti-inflammatory and see how you feel. Perhaps a good massage would help.

Positive thoughts.

07-01-14, 22:17
Great minds think alike. I was just going to recommend a therapeutic massage. Does me wonders with tight muscles and pain.

08-01-14, 07:27
Thank you for your responses guys. I'm hoping today I'll be a bit more rational.

Am I right in thinking that if it were anything terrible, I wouldn't get a full uninterrupted nights sleep? And the pain would be there when I wake up right? It wouldn't come on by lunchtime everyday?

08-01-14, 12:09
Thank you for your responses guys. I'm hoping today I'll be a bit more rational.

Am I right in thinking that if it were anything terrible, I wouldn't get a full uninterrupted nights sleep? And the pain would be there when I wake up right? It wouldn't come on by lunchtime everyday?

"Rationally" what do you think ;)

Positive thoughts

08-01-14, 14:31
Rationally, I think I'm crazy :)

08-01-14, 20:08
Rationally, I think I'm crazy :)

So i said this to my therapist and she was less than happy with it...

I have had sore ribs for over 2 months now, one day it will be the left side, the next it is the right side, this WHOLE week it has been left side ONLY! The more i obsess about it, the more i am able to find it hurts.

When i asked my DR about it, they said it could take weeks even months, to get over it. The problem is that if you go a day or week w/o anxiety then have a bad day, you re-strain your pecs, then it's back to square one.

I am 29 also, and i also am in pain all the time, but i refuse to take meds, so i just have to learn to live with it! :yahoo:

08-01-14, 21:52
cactusjohn.. thank you so much!!

sorry to hear youre suffering but it's kinda reassuring to know someone else has something similar. I almost wish mine would switch to the left occasionally. I think that's what worries me most, that it just stays in one specific place on the right.
Have you had any tests done or did the doctor not think you need them?

09-01-14, 01:09
I have had 3 EKGs and chest and back xrays, all organs UltraSounds, and 2 or 3 full blood tests, lol. The best way to know if it is a pulled muscle/ribs is to POKE around with a finger, if you can find "tender" spots then it's nothing to worry about.

I am at the point where, i can continue to keep being anxious about all of these "symptoms" or i can start to accept that it is "just anxiety" and start to move forward.....