View Full Version : First post, twitching tongue google scares me

07-01-14, 22:21
Hi, I've panic attacks in the past and developed HA more intense since I've got older and the Internet diagnosis doesn't help. My tongue is having little twitches not all day but some every day, at the tip like s little pulling. I need to see the doctor but worried I have a neuro problem and my days are numbered. I also have a bit of a burning roof of mouth which I had 2 years ago. No one else I know has a tongue twitching at rest like I can see. Trying to keep calm.

07-01-14, 22:40
I am having a twitching problem too. Mine is in my thigh almost constant. It's making me panic as well. The tip of the tongue is a very normal place for a twitch actually. A lot of us on here twitch often. From what I'm told when you are feeling less anxious it will stop that's what people tell me.

07-01-14, 23:16
I've also had twitching in my tongue. It's kind of like on and off, happens maybe every two weeks. I get daily twitches everywhere else as well. I don't really find them alarming to be honest. I think it's just a stress related thing.

08-01-14, 07:47
Thanks, what's strange is I wasn't stressed when it started and I don't get it when I lay down at night. If it was something really bad surely it would be here all the time, like dreaded a"s?

27-01-14, 22:42
Just in case anyone else reads this who looked up tongue twitch, it went away. Blood tests were fine, I stopped looking at my tongue and after 4 weeks of scaring me it went.

27-01-14, 23:05
Remember: ALS/MND: First atrophy/weakness, than twitching. BFS/Anxiety-first twitching, no other problems. If you can do everything you usually can with your tongue (calf, thigh, knee, hand, arm...)-you're home, dry and illness-free.

28-01-14, 01:20
Good news! My twitching stopped too knock on wood.