View Full Version : Please Help :( Worried Again

08-01-14, 02:59
Hello Again,

As much as I hate to have to type another one if these up, I'm in dire need of some help.

Basically I feel like I have progressing symptoms of anxiety or something much worse.
Obviously I tend to think it's the latter.

It started with back of the head, neck pressure/somewhat tingling, tension headaches and occasional lower back pain about 5 months ago which started the brain tumor fears. Now I don't feel that anymore.

Then a few months later I felt it again, but with other symptoms like a really short cold, fullness in the ear and body aches. And I started to feel like my vision had changed. Not blurry per say, but more so irregular, seemingly more sensitive to light.
I also experienced a brief panic attack of sorts, which caused me to feel dizzy and faint until I fell asleep and woke up fine.

After experiencing this, I went to the doctor and got a round of blood tests done. Everything came back normal. White blood cell count, red blood cell count, thyroid, no diabetes. 100% okay! I was relieved and the symptoms seemed to subside.

Just recently I have started to feel the symptoms that have truly started to freak me out.
It started on December 27, with the same dizzy and faint feeling, then a sharp pain in the jaw/cheek. Then days later I started getting spells of dizziness, faintness, flushed feeling, my body would be very hot but my hands would be very cold, and I would feel slightly slow or weak in the body, if anyone has ever smoked marijuana before, it's kind of like that feeling. I also experienced a bit of bloating, which didn't seem to affect my bowel movements or anything. And lymph nodes on my neck were easily felt.

This happened for a few days straight on and off, and then completely disappeared for a day or two.

Now, it's back, and the newest symptom is a dry mouth and sore throat and my body tends to have very subtle tremors and shaking. The lymph nodes seem to have gotten smaller though.

What is going on with me?!? Can anyone help.

I just got 2 wisdom teeth out today because one had a tiiiiny bit of abscess which I am hoping is the cause of all this. But my dentist doesn't seem concerned with it.

My plan is to ride out the wisdom tooth recovery and go get an MRI bc now I'm terrified of Parkinson's or MS.

I've also felt occasional body aches, twitching, fast and strong heartbeat.

I know that was a lot to read and I think anyone who has made it to this point. If you can offer any help or advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

08-01-14, 03:38
I have had and continue to have literally every symptom just listed. I think most if us anxiety suffers have at one point.

08-01-14, 03:49
Thank you for your reply :)

Isn't it terrible? I wish we all could just find a release or help.
The one thing that gets me through is that the symptoms come and go. Although google says ms and Parkinson's early symptoms can come and go, I just can't see how I can feel absolutely amazing for a day or two and have something wrong

08-01-14, 12:43
Anyone else?

08-01-14, 12:50
You said it yourself Sean, they come and go, there's your answer. You'll be fine, they probably come on when you think of them right?

08-01-14, 12:58
I guess so. Or when I'm severely stressed but sometimes it feels like it happens for no reason.

For example, I can not sleep for the life of me right now bc when I relax I get jerks and flashing lights in my eyes.
I'm so scared that it'll turn into a seizure

---------- Post added at 12:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 ----------

I also have a tingling/stiff sensation in my right index finger and forearm

08-01-14, 13:01

Here hop over too this thread and have a read :)