View Full Version : Good to be on Board!

08-01-14, 09:30
I keep running into this website during my recent extensive searches on the internet, and I have decided to register, but this is very much a first for me.

It is actually my daughter who suffers from anxiety and depression and I am hoping that, if I find my feet on this website, I can encourage her to join in her own right.

My daughter has been on a low dose (75 mg) of Venlafaxine for about 18 months but seems to react to the slow release versions of the drug, the reaction being gradual development of red rings around the eyes which worsen over several weeks, accompanied by increasingly severe itching. She has a history of strong allergic reactions so I think that she is reacting to one of the inactive ingredients. In terms of her anxiety and depression the drug works well, after a number of false starts over the years on other medications, so she does not wish to come off it although she has reduced to one tablet (32.5mg) once a day to see if that will relieve the problem. Currently another dose of antibiotics, hydrocortisone and anti-histamines seem to bringing some relief.

Any thoughts gratefully welcomed!

blue moon
08-01-14, 10:38
:welcome:Cath,hope you enjoy nmp and all it has to offer
