View Full Version : Day before the colonoscopy

08-01-14, 11:30
Can't eat only drink as well as the cleaning out solution going to be a tough day physically and mentally as I'm scared for the test tomorrow and the results. How's everyone else feeling today ?

08-01-14, 12:11
You will be fine i had one not so long ago the worry before hand and the panic was actually worse than the procedure and the nurses where lovely i told them i had anxiety and panic issues and they really went out of there way to make sure i was ok hope all goes well for you x

08-01-14, 12:42
Thank you support is what really helps me get through hopefully after I'll get non serious answer to my problem

08-01-14, 12:43
Hi, I had one myself after putting it off a few times. Was certainly a lot to drink to get everything prepped down there:) if only it had tasted like beer or red wine and all would have been well. The procedure was really straight forward and surprisingly free of discomfort. You'll be really surprised how easy it all goes I'm sure. Try not to worry if you can, I'm sure you'll be fine. Take care.

08-01-14, 13:29
I had a sigmoidoscopy last year which was not very nice, even though no polyps etc were removed. I was worrying about bowel cancer because of the abdominal pain I had last year.
I had to drink a lot of clear liquid the day before, also what I was allowed to eat the day before was not fun.

08-01-14, 13:34
I too had this procedure a couple of months ago and I think the prep for it is worse than the procedure. I have to say that the prep though unpleasant was not as bad as I feared. The medical staff were brilliant, tell them you are nervous, I did and they were so good. By the way, the sedation I had was brilliant :D

08-01-14, 14:32
I'm hoping for quick and painless and most of all hoping that they don't find something bad inside I'm only 30 years old having some symptoms down there scaring me of having colorectal cancer

08-01-14, 16:18
It's natural to feel anxious before any medical procedure or test - you'd have to be a rather odd person if you didn't! Try and look at it as a win-win situation - if they find nothing, you'll be reassured; if they find something, they can start fixing it. You are rather young to be a candidate for colon cancer, and the chances are that you will be fine or it will be something else. Good luck!

08-01-14, 16:38
I had that done. Yes, the prep is worse than the actual procedure. All I'll say is it was a good thing my recliner was just steps away form the powder room! :ohmy:

Positive thoughts

08-01-14, 17:03
Haha thank god for my iPad I'm sure I'll be using it overtime from what I gather but man not eating is hard I work out regularly Andy appetite is always good so it's so hard not eating lol

---------- Post added at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------

No matter how hard I try to stay positive I just get this feeling of doom that I'm not gonna be alright wish I could erase my mind

08-01-14, 21:59
Starting the drink wish me luck!!!

08-01-14, 22:01
Starting the drink wish me luck!!!

You'll be fine .... just do me a favor and don't start a poo thread Ok? ;)

Positive thoughts

08-01-14, 22:39
Haha never I'm genuinely scared of what's in going through right now and by talking to all of you it's has helped me tremendously and I'm thankful