View Full Version : Question related to Tapering off

08-01-14, 11:31
Hello All,

I've been on CIT since May 2013. I had a spell on 30MG and I've been on 20MG last September. My doctor feels that I'm ready to taper off if I wish to do so. I was going to try and get to 10MG and see how I feel. I thought I'd try 15MG for one month and then move to 10MG. I feel pretty good at the moment so I'm nervous that I may be rocking the boat , yet another part of me feels as if i should at least try. If it didn't work and I started to feel ill again then I would have no problem taking CIT again. Has anyone tried to Taper slowly and if so what were their experiences, both good and bad .

Any advice would be greatly apprciated

08-01-14, 11:40
Hi Deliby,

Maybe this is not what you want to hear, I started taking citalopram July 2012 and it worked very well, by the April 2013 I was feeling I could come off, I slowed down very slowly and spent 5 months on 10mg, after a month on 15mg, and now wonder why I ever came off, I went down to 5mg in September and felt the anxiety was coming back so the doctor said to go back to 10mg, I felt even worse, I stayed on 10mg for 3 weeks and then increased to 20mg which I have been on for just over 3 weeks but still not feeling any positive effects, in fact I feel as bad as I did before going on it the first time round,
I thought it would be easy to go back up but it hasn't been. I really hope that the tapering off works for you and hopefully you won't need to go on it again but I do wish I had stayed at 10mg last summer as I felt really good on that.

08-01-14, 12:41
Thanks for the info. I think it would be a start if i even got down to 10MG and see if i could cope. I'm nervous but i feel i have to at least try once or I'll always wonder . I know it won't be easy. I found the below which is a good read.


08-01-14, 14:15
That is very interesting reading, I did it a lot slower than the doctor wanted me to, the 5 months on 10mg were lovely, I felt better than on 20 believe it or not and I really thought I could get off of them altogether, I didn't have any side effects going from 20 to 15, but the second week on 10 wasn't too good, I think that was why I stayed on 10 for so long. My aim, if I can ever get settled on 20 again, will be to go down to 10 and stay there, if I could only turn back the clock. Good luck.