View Full Version : Vision disturbances unlike others describe?

08-01-14, 12:10

Yesterday I went to a group NHS CBT therapy session which they generalise on the topics such as Anxiety/Depression/Low Mood. There was a brief break in between the two hour session, so I took it upon myself to talk the the therapist and discuss my health issues. I asked if it is feasible to have constant vision disturbances with Anxiety even though at points I'm not anxious? She said yes to the anxious part but found it peculiar that I'm experiencing a continual vision problem. She asked weather I had my eye checked, yes just before Xmas. Optic nerve in both eyes are fine peripheral vision too 100%in test, I wear light distant glasses! and didn't even need to renew those. Since Oct I had a scare of breast cancer, (which again is all clear) since then I have had vision unlike most are describing on this forum. The best way I can describe it has a dream like vision it's like I can not fully connect to what I'm looking at, I see everything yet there seems to be a filter in between me and the object. There has been no let up with it, even reading I struggle to focus on the writing. Most people describe floaters/spots, one eye the peripheral vision is blacked out. I don't get any of these. I was just wondering if anyone out there is anyone out there with anything similar? I'm paying for a private MRI hopefully this week. Scared out of my skin.

08-01-14, 14:41
What you're describing sounds more like a mental perception than a visual effect--"dreamlike" and "disconnection" go right to the common anxiety symptom of derealization. What do you think about that possibility?

08-01-14, 14:45
I think you are describing a mental fog which is very common in anxiety. I get this and feel like I can't read my monitor or focus well on reading street signs. Writing also seems harder than it should be when I feeling foggy. I also have issue with sinus problems that impact my vision some too. Not sure if a vision test would catch that. Good luck.

08-01-14, 18:27
Hi Althea
I have thought it probable that it could be derealisation/depersonalisation but it's hard when your not 100% of the feeling of any of those type of symtoms. I feel like me just not seeing like the old me!! Brain fog is also a possibility. The clarity of my vision is the main thing. My other symptoms of anxiety have either subsided or disappeared. Thanks

08-01-14, 19:45
Believe it or not I have suffered from depersonalisation since my teenage years and I am now 36 (not constantly thank God!) Your post has just reminded me of a sensation that I used to get at school a lot. I don't know whether you're too young to remember that programme 'Treasure Hunt' that used to be on TV in the 80s with Annika Rice, but I distinctly remember trying to explain to my best friend at school what I was experiencing, and I remember telling her that it was like watching treasure hunt, where the cameraman runs behind Annika Rice and it makes everything look kind of jolty and distant, like you're looking at everything through a camera and not real. I had forgotten this altogether until I read your post, but I now understand that I was suffering from depresonalisation. I used to end up in the first aid room at school because I was so freaked out by it. Guess I was about 15. I wonder if what you're experiencing is something similar?

09-01-14, 15:14
When you mentioned about the Annika Rice thing (and yes I'm old enough to remember it) it took me back to when about 7-10 can't remember exactly how old I was. But I experienced something similar, where everything around me slowed down tremendously and I remember trying to speed up everything I was doing to compensate the experience of everything in slow motion. I don't think its derealisation, just that my brain hasn't clarified everything I'm seeing, even though I can see everything. Maybe it's brain fog. But it's constant so I don't know if it can be that. Unless someone can tell me otherwise.

Feeling weird today can't put my finger on what! Not sure but may have developed IBS throughout this drama in my life. And today I look bloated and feel groggy, bowels are unsure what's happening. Started taking St John's wort and probiotic a few days ago, I also took one tablet of a multi enzyme formula to bulk me up, not sure if that was a good idea or not stopped taking that after the first day.
My symptoms have subsided in regards to less twitches and pins and needles, getting more tension in neck base of head and throughout my shoulders and down to the middle of my back. If it's not one thing, it's another. Just my vision has been the only thing that consistently and off the scales. Rrrrrrrrr

09-01-14, 20:04
Glad someone else remembers Annika Rice!
Obviously I can't say for sure, but in my own experience, depersonalisation is one of the most consistent features of anxiety. When my anxiety has been really bad I have walked around for weeks in this kind of fog. I also found anti depressants made it much worse for me at first but that settled down after a couple of weeks. I also found acupuncture cleared my head a lot. It was one of the things that really helped. It really does sound similar to my own experience of brain fog. It really, really sucks but it does get better.

14-01-14, 18:44
Cheers Cattia.

Big help.

Thanks :D

14-01-14, 18:52
Your description reminds me of when I've had the unreality thing that others mention. Feeling at a remove from things and as if there is a distinct fog or film between me and the objects I'm looking at. I would describe this as a depersonalisation experience and is related to anxiety. It is very distinct from other visual distortions which I've had with say a migraine aura.

Wishing you better days ahead .