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View Full Version : Need To Make A Game Plan

08-01-14, 12:21
Good Morning everyone. I woke up anxious this morning, and yes I know that its only anxiety. My usual morning state of being. I journaled for about thirty minutes and finally came up with what was bothering me.

My partner has taken an overnight shift and will be staying with my Dad all night tonight. That means that I will be home alone. I wrote and figured out that I had some irrational thoughts surrounding this.

In the past, my anxiety has been worse when I know I'm alone all night. Why? Because I have a fear of dying, and there not being anyone here to help. No one to call an ambulance. No one to help me. Irrational, I know. Just because it's happened in the past does not mean that it will happen tonight.

I need to come up with a game plan for tonight so that I am prepared and that I do not feel anxious. I need to find the appropriate tools out of my toolbox so that I am battle ready. I don't want to focus on what may happen but proactively figure out a game plan that keeps me relatively anxiety free.

Another step outside of my comfort zone that I know will ultimately make me stronger.

What tools can I use? I know that I can write and use my CBT tools. I can work on my CBT online. I can read a good book which will distract me. I can post on NMP, helping myself and others. I can journal. I can watch a movie or a mindless television show. I can love on my animals. I can watch something that will make me laugh.

Any tips are welcome and appreciated.

08-01-14, 12:25
invite a friend over and share a few laughs over a drink

08-01-14, 12:27
Not a bad idea at all Mr. Andy. Thanks for the idea.

08-01-14, 12:32
when my wife is out i always get friends or family over ,the conversation is never about anxiety or my illness.Its great to have a rest from battling the "illness" ,it takes my mind off it anyhow

08-01-14, 12:37
invite a friend over and share a few laughs over a drink

Good suggestion MINUS the drink ;)

Positive thoughts

08-01-14, 12:40
Yeah, I don't think thatbthe alcohol would help me in the long term right now. Although a glass of merlot sounds nice.

08-01-14, 12:43
Good suggestion MINUS the drink ;)

Positive thoughts

i meant hot chocolate :D

08-01-14, 12:49
i meant hot chocolate :D

MINUS the Kahlua ;) ~lol~

Positive thoughts

08-01-14, 14:30
Good Morning, 3 of my favorite NMP friends. :)

Tanner- any chance you have pictures you have uploaded onto your computer that you could organize?

Don't know if you do Pinterest, but you might be able to pass quite a bit of time on there- looking for new recipes, pretty places to visit someday, etc.

Good for you planning ahead!

08-01-14, 23:08
Home and in for the night, alone. I have journaled for about thirty minutes and now I'm looking through NMP. Hope everyone has had a good day.

08-01-14, 23:11
Have a nice relaxing evening Tanner :)

Positive thoughts

08-01-14, 23:21
Thanks Fishmanpa. I'm sure going to try and just sit back and relax. Toolbox by my side. LOL

08-01-14, 23:55
Sounds like you've got your ducks in a row, Tanner--just let 'em swim!

Got any comedy you'd like to watch/rewatch? I always find that highly companionable. YouTube can be great for finds in that area. And the global nature of NMP means it never sleeps, so you can stop in here and cheer on a Briton before s/he goes to work :).

09-01-14, 00:13
Hey Tanner,
Just popping in to say hi. Thinking about you tonight as you hang out in our cozy, warm house. Will check back in later to see how you are doing. :)

09-01-14, 00:20
Thanks Althea and Too Much. How are the both of you doing? I'm getting ready to look on NetFlix and find a comedy to watch now. I just ordered Thai food from one of my favorite restaurants and the kitten is loving having me home. Now if I can hear the movie or his purring in my ear.

09-01-14, 00:43
I just ordered Thai food from one of my favorite restaurants and the kitten is loving having me home. Now if I can hear the movie or his purring in my ear.

NOW you're talking! I LOVE Thai food! Unfortunately I can't do the real spicy anymore due to the treatment tearing up my mouth but there are plenty of dishes I can still eat ;) They have a Massaman Chicken Curry that's amazing!

My boy is wanting to play ~lol~ He just brought his tin foil ball over for me to throw :)


Positive thoughts

09-01-14, 12:40
The Thai food was magnificent. Chicken Sate appetizer and green Curry Chicken. I did watch a movie with my three dogs, two of them laying at my feet and one cuddled on the couch beside me. The movie was so bad that it put all four of us to sleep. Nice night all in all.