View Full Version : Hello - I'm a complete mess in need of help!

08-01-14, 17:18
Hello everyone!
As in the title of the post I am a complete mess at the moment and in need of some help. I'm worried that something is seriously wrong with my health, and don't know what to do as the several GPs i've seen just say its a muscular problem.

It all started about this time last year when i was submitting my first assignment to the chartered institute which i was really stressed about. A week or so after i sent the paper in I started to get episodes of sharp pains in the center of my abdomen jut below my breast bone, which felt like gallstone pains (I had my gallbladder removed 4 years previously due to gallstones). This then developed into pain in my right shoulder and whole of the right side of my rib cage. After several visits to the GP from Feb to April, they told me that it was a muscular-skeletal problem probably caused by bad posture from many years spending 12 hours a day at a computer. The sharp pains dissappeared altogether by April, but the pain in shoulder and ribcage got worse, at its worst in May I couldn't even sit in a car seat without taking cocodamol!
At the time i was looking after my Grandad who, we found out that he had multiple cancers which the doctors didn't find until a week before he died. Feeling worse i went back to my Gp again, and specifically asked if i could have lung cancer (I have smoked for 8 years - trying to stop), and they diagnosed me with costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage joining ribs to the breast bone), and as a result i should see a chiropracter.
I have been seeing the chiropracter since the middle of June, and while the pain in shoulder and rib cage has decreased, it still causes discomfort most of the time.
Then in October i found out i was pregnant, but was having a missed miscarriage, so i went to hospital to have a medical miscarriage. Two weeks later i ended up back in hospital after heavy bleeding due to an incomplete miscarriage and had to have a blood transfusion (HB levels were 4 instead of the normal 12-16) and potassium drip.
I am now recovering from the miscarriage, and am on iron supplements.
I have just had a follow-up blood tests done, and while they have not said anything about my HB levels, they have said i now have elevated white blood count, which is worrying me more.
The pain in my should and along breast bone is still present and i did have a cold after i came out of hospital in mid-Nov. Could the elevated white blood count be due to the cold or something worse like cancer causing the symptoms in my should and ribs?

Apologies for the long rant..........

08-01-14, 19:53
Hi welcome to NMP. The raised white blood cells could be due to an infection and they are often raised when you are unwell. My daughter also had raised white blood cells but at the next check they had gone down again. If your doctor didn't seem concerned then I wouldn't be either.
I am sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I have had some myself and it is quite traumatic to go through :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

18-01-14, 17:35
Thanks for the reassurance Annie