View Full Version : CBT coming but another issue

08-01-14, 17:41
Hi all,

Hope your all okay! Have pushed through for emergency CBT starting Tuesday and have been feeling a lot better. Have been using certain though processes and found jogging and cycling to be a life saver, however it's my mums birthday today and I completely forgot until she called and said oh happy birthday mum sarcastically. I have been getting better by the second but does this sound worrying. I have been concentrating so much on other stuff but never forget.

08-01-14, 17:50
Hi Sean,

Firstly. I'm glad you've been feeling better. It sounds like you are on the right track.

Secondly, when you say you never forget your mums birthday, was you this bad with your anxiety last year and the year before that on her day? Because it sounds like this has been an extra-tough time for you and it's only natural that some things will be forgotten, especially if you have been trying thought processes as your mind will be full of them instead of dates of family birthdays.

You say you have been getting better - don't lose sight of this over one small incident

08-01-14, 18:01
Thanks Pomchi, I'm much calmer than I have been. Just trying to say it's because of all the stress. The fact that I remembered straight away indicates it should be ok.

08-01-14, 18:04
Exactly! That's calm and rational thinking in play. Every time the anxiety threatens, repeat your rational thoughts, say to yourself that it's just that you mind was occupied with other thoughts. Nothing more than that.

Well done to you

08-01-14, 18:19
Thank you, I still worry but in a better place. Plus without being at work dates aren't on my mind?

08-01-14, 18:24
Like you said in your first post, you remembered straight away when your mum reminded you, so no problem at all - you just forgot due to lots going on in your life at the moment.

You could look at it another way, it would have been a surprise if you HAD remembered!

08-01-14, 18:43
Ha true, to be honest I'm still surprised at how calm I am. But these things happen all the time.

08-01-14, 18:59
Wow, I'm inspired... Your posts before were nothing like this! What a turn around! Well done you..... Amazing.... How have you done it :) I want the same route/results x

08-01-14, 19:28
Thanks Sadkel. I think that knowing I have CBT coming up shows there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Also I have been doing some techniques which help but mostly distraction is helping.saying that, I have a lot of issues and a way to go. You have all been great though. I rationalised my thinking about the fact that I remembered as soon as she said and that I have had a lot going on. I need to face the fact that dementia at 29 is a bit silly and I have been sought of thinking, what mKes me so special to think I would be one of the youngest people with no other issues to have dementia. Does that sound silly?

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

Plus the other thing that's helped is writing down all the illnesses I have imagined I've had and I'm still here