View Full Version : Anxiety really getting to me

08-01-14, 19:28
Hi all
I have had anxiety for many months now had goodish and very bad periods and am going through a really bad period again. I just see no end. I have been having trouble sleeping past few nights because i am constantly focus on and worrying about my breathing. I always feel like somethings not right and that im going to die and it really isnt helping I still have a stuffy nose and clogged throat. I am fed up of being so terrified all the time and just constantly feeling like im not breathing right. Its really getting to me as I see nothing to look forward too and just see a constant battle ahead. I am on the waiting list for two counsellors and have been for months and im getting really fed up because i need help now ive need it for such a long time and nothing seems to be being done to help me. Im just at a loss and the pressure of college isnt helping. I just dont know what to do anymore

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

also I should add I am only 16 years old

08-01-14, 21:15
Find something to take your mind off your breathing. I put a podcast on at bedtime and listen to people I like chatting about interests I like.
I guarantee you if you forget breathing, that's that problem solved.

I also have one of those 2 min porridge/oats things a bit before bedtime. It knocks me out some way into the podcast and I'll wake up way layer with my headphones on.

You've got nothing to look forward to. So make something !
What do you want in life ? What gives you a lift ? You're 16, you can have almost any life you want (within reason).
How do you want your relationships to be ? What do your ideal group of friends look like ? What does your ideal job look like ? Where do you want to travel to with your future partner/friends ?
See it, plan for it, look forward to it. Everything that exists around you started in someone's imagination. See it, make it happen.

10-01-14, 19:27
Thank you for your reply I think about it when Im feeling anxious or hopeless. Thank you x