View Full Version : Felt the scariest sensation, so scared!! :(

08-01-14, 19:17
I'm at work and I Was speaking to my a co-worker and it took me two tries to say the word "probably" right. That made me super nervous. I then went back to my desk and felt this really scary sensation, almost like my feet weren't attached to me and that I was falling (not the same feeling as dizziness).

It made me like move my feet quickly and after that the sensation stopped. I have never felt like that before and now I'm so scared. Anyone felt like this? I can't leave work for another 45 minutes, I feel dread in my stomach.

Super scared that it's a aneurysm or stroke :(

08-01-14, 19:31
Basically this all stemmed from you trying to get that word out twice. If you didn't have anxiety you wouldn't even have though about it as people do that all the time. There's certain words which do that as well. My dad recently had a stroke. You are not. Will your work let you leave early or let you get 5 mins fresh air? That word thing is literally something we all do and even I would never worry about that and that says something ha.

08-01-14, 19:48
Hello Willous, thank you for the reply.
I like having the reassurance that everything is okay, although I know it doesn't help to cure my anxiety.
I honestly usually don't worry about the pronunciation thing but I don't know why this one bugged me really bad. The sensation I felt made my anxiety 100x worse. I'm worried that something bad is going to happen :(

08-01-14, 20:03
Have you started reading through the CBT course Jenn?

Positive thoughts

08-01-14, 20:12
I have, but I'm still so scared. Especially since it's a new sensation :(

08-01-14, 20:23
I have, but I'm still so scared. Especially since it's a new sensation :(

Well then... Positive thoughts and good luck to you :)

08-01-14, 20:31
The brain can play so many tricks on us. It makes us look into things so much when they don't need to be? You at home now? Feeling any better?

08-01-14, 21:04
Seriously, Willous.
Yes I'm at home now, can't stop crying because of the fear. Seems like I can't enjoy life anymore because of these symptoms :(

08-01-14, 21:09
Awwww jenn I'm sorry you are having a bad day :( I have this happen all the time when I'm teaching. It upsets me too like there is something wrong with my brain but it happens to everyone. The strange sensation is panic. PM me if you want to talk more. Hugs

08-01-14, 21:11
Thank you Rose xx
Hope one day we all overcome this. I want to just move on with my life :(

08-01-14, 21:22
I've had that 'can't feel my feet' feeling. Scary, and I normally have to take my vitals to make sure everything is okay.

08-01-14, 21:24
Such a scary sensation.
I felt it and then I guess my body naturally reacted so it kind of made my legs jump because of the sensation. Do you get that whole you're anxious?

09-01-14, 12:57
Hey guys. Just bumping it up.

And also, last night in bed I started to get the roller coaster stomach sensation again. But it was only there and it felt like it went on for a minute. I instantly got this feeling of dread and fear. But then it went away.

I'm so worried that this is just the start of a seizure I'll be getting in the future. I've never had one before but I have brain tumour anxiety so I worry about it :(

09-01-14, 13:11
Jenn, Sean and Fishmanpa are right. You are not having a stroke or an aneurysm or a brain tumor. You have anxiety. Beating anxiety and coexisting with it peacefully take a lot of hard work. Reading "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway" helps me a lot. I have to take time every day for meditation, CBT, reading and journaling. I can't miss a day. It's all about routine and practice.
Practice acceptance and it gets easier. All of the worry about the physical symptoms only creates a cycle of fear and panic, thus creating new physical symptoms. For one day, try to accept that it's anxiety and don't give it a thought. See what happens.

09-01-14, 13:28
sorry to hear about your worries.

Just so you know I have suffered from HA PA and general health worries for 15 years…and I still get new symptoms I have not had ever before. This then sets me off on a cycle of worry and fear.

I currently have HA about having a stroke as I keep waking up in the middle of the night with a massive foggy sensation…. This pushes me in to panic attack….Nothing worse than having them in the middle of the night.

Strange that you would have thought after 15 years I would have had all symptoms but no your brain will just make new ones up to keep you on your toes.

10-01-14, 02:42
Jenn, Sean and Fishmanpa are right. You are not having a stroke or an aneurysm or a brain tumor. You have anxiety. Beating anxiety and coexisting with it peacefully take a lot of hard work. Reading "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway" helps me a lot. I have to take time every day for meditation, CBT, reading and journaling. I can't miss a day. It's all about routine and practice.
Practice acceptance and it gets easier. All of the worry about the physical symptoms only creates a cycle of fear and panic, thus creating new physical symptoms. For one day, try to accept that it's anxiety and don't give it a thought. See what happens.

Hello Tanner, thank you for the very helpful response!
I will definitely look into that book and will work on routine. I am currently starting to write journals along with doing CBT. It's great to hear all these things are working well for you, gives me hope. Do you think meditation works? I have a couple disks that have meditation on them but I don't take it seriously enough.
Totally going to try to kick this cycle of fear and panic in the butt because I am beyond tired of them. Tomorrow I'm going to try my hardest to just accept it as anxiety, I'm really going to try to avoid googling and feeding into these symptoms.

thanks again x

---------- Post added at 21:42 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------

sorry to hear about your worries.

Just so you know I have suffered from HA PA and general health worries for 15 years…and I still get new symptoms I have not had ever before. This then sets me off on a cycle of worry and fear.

I currently have HA about having a stroke as I keep waking up in the middle of the night with a massive foggy sensation…. This pushes me in to panic attack….Nothing worse than having them in the middle of the night.

Strange that you would have thought after 15 years I would have had all symptoms but no your brain will just make new ones up to keep you on your toes.

Hello Slogan, so sorry to hear that you have been suffer for years. Have you ever gone for any therapy for this? That's quite a long time to be suffering.

Anxiety is crazy, I can't believe the different kinds of things it does to your body.

I have been experiencing head pains for 10 years, although my anxiety only started really acting up since April, so we have both been going through this for a long time. I hope we overcome this as well as everyone else, it IS possible!

10-01-14, 06:49
Hello guys,

so this sensation that I felt...I felt it again this evening, it was gone again in seconds. I then went to bed and felt it again in my feet, but this time it went into my entire body. My arms, legs, feet, chest, stomach, face, even head. It just felt like if i didn't move my arms or legs then everything on my body wasn't really connected to me. Just a scary feeling :( is this depersonalization? It's been happening for two hours now, definitely not as bad as what is was like earlier, thank God. And, has anyone experienced this before?

10-01-14, 13:24

This thread reminds me of another series of threads that were very similar in content and length. No matter how much reassurance and advice that was offered, it was always one more thing or a "yeah but what about 'name the ailment'" answer to everything. It's frustrating to offer advice and know that it's being fobbed off. You say in one post that you're taking the advice and yet in the next you're right back into the same pattern which makes it obvious the advice isn't being followed.

Perhaps you're not in a position mentally to do anything... I don't know. What I do know is that you need to get some help. No excuses about "no time" because of school or anything else. "Going to try" is not good enough. You have to "Do it" and actually take action! Reassurance is not going to help you and no one here can offer any more than we're already doing. It's coming down to you and your desire to get the dragon under control.

Positive thoughts and good luck!

10-01-14, 20:48
It's easier said than done.
The advice is being followed, you have no idea how hard it is to overcome something like this when you get symptoms thrown at you every which way. I don't like how you're telling me I'm not taking the advice, I AM, but when something happens out of my control, especially something like this, it's kind of hard not to come on here and ask if anyone else has been through it longer than just a split second. (like what I had on Wednesday.)

Thank you for replying, but you telling me that I'm not taking the advice when I know I am as I have been reading through the online CBT books, isn't helping me. Feels like you're putting me down.

10-01-14, 21:11
It's easier said than done.
The advice is being followed, you have no idea how hard it is to overcome something like this when you get symptoms thrown at you every which way. I don't like how you're telling me I'm not taking the advice, I AM, but when something happens out of my control, especially something like this, it's kind of hard not to come on here and ask if anyone else has been through it longer than just a split second. (like what I had on Wednesday.)

Thank you for replying, but you telling me that I'm not taking the advice when I know I am as I have been reading through the online CBT books, isn't helping me. Feels like you're putting me down.

That's not my intention. I apologize that your taking it that way. I'm just taking into account the number of threads, posts and subject matter over the last 8 months and it seems as if you keep going around in circles despite the advice and recommendations of others.

You're right. I don't have any idea why having difficulty saying the word "probably" would send you into a severe panic attack and tail spin. I know it happened and scared the bejeebers out of you and it was as real as the ground under your feet but it was a word. We ALL stumble and have brain farts over words is all.

Again, accept my apologies. I sincerely hope you find a way to tame the dragon.

Positive thoughts and prayers