View Full Version : Rectal Bleeding/Leaking

08-01-14, 20:11

I am writing to ask your advice about something that has been worrying me.

Basically, about two months ago, I felt some pain in the left buttock and it went away a little while later - thought nothing of it.

However, the pain came back shortly afterward and since then, I have had pain in my buttocks - I thought I had haemorroids. Since then, I have been leaking a lot of poo and blood from my anus, even when not having bowel movements - its happening all the time. Normally, the colour of the blood is always bright red.

The skin around my bottom has also changed - this might be due to creams and meds I put on my bottom as a result of trying to cure what I believed to be haemorroids.

What worries me is the leaking is almost constant. There is a browny fluid, sometimes yellowy fluid, plus a bit of blood. I have to put a tissue down my pants to stop the leakage going into my pants.

I went to the doctor's yesterday and after feeling around, found an anal fissure plus skin changes. What worried the doctor was the constant leakage. He said that it might be holes in the perenial area that causes it and may require an operation - at no point did he mention anything more serious than that but I am still concerned.

Another problem is I haven't got a problem going to see the doctors or going to hospital but I have a terrible aversion to needles - can you be sedated whilst having an injection or a blood test because I find it very difficult to tolerate any needle-based work at a doctor's surgery or hospital.

Any help greatly appreciated. Does anyone else have any similar stories as to mine?

Kind Regards

08-01-14, 20:35
robinsky, sounds like the doctor's on track here--a fistula, a little hole, is one of the likeliest things for leakage, and they're generally pretty easy to repair.

When they plan the procedure, I would mention your needle phobia--sometimes they can give you a sedative by mouth that will calm you down prior to the actual anesthesia, so it's worth asking about the possibilities. Good luck! I bet it would be nice to be through with this, so keep focusing on that!

08-01-14, 22:10
Thanks for the advice - I am concerned that I am not passing stools too regularly of late, either.

Does an anal fissure/fistula affect passing stools? I only at present seem to pass stools every few days.

Thanks for the help.

08-01-14, 22:16
Passing stools every few days is normal for some people so I would not be too concerned about it.

09-01-14, 20:09
Thanks - wish I could stop the chronic leaking

09-01-14, 21:42
Rob, what did the doctor say is your next step?