View Full Version : Glad I found you

08-01-14, 20:35
Hi, my name's Karen but I'm not 62. I found you by doing a google search for the tablets that I'm on (sertraline) My GP has just doubled my doseage to 100mg as my anxiety has come back and I was after advice on the best way to take it (which I found thanks to you)

I suppose I've been suffering from anxiety on and off for a few years but it only really came to a head in the summer of 2012 when we were planning a trip to Kenya and I started to worry about some of the attacks by Somalian terrorists. The doctor put me on 50mg sertraline.

I'm not sure whether to call my attacks panic attacks or anxiety attacks.

Basically it often starts with a tingling in the nether regions followed by that sinking in the pit of the stomach feeling, then I need to run to the loo with diarrohea and sometimes am sick too. This can go on for several hours sometimes, then I want to sleep, if I can sleep I usually wake up ok. I can't say how often this happens, sometimes I have an episode 3 or 4 times a week, other times I can go for months. Nothing seems to trigger them.

I've been ill on holiday a couple of times so now I worry about being ill away from home, especially in a foreign country, but don't want to let it stop me going away (strangely I wasn't ill in Kenya apart from two attacks when I worried about being ill)

We were planning on going again this summer but as I've started having attacks again I think we've decided to not venture quite that far.

I've been eating really badly over Christmas, lots of junk food and take aways and put my current series of attacks down to that

Sorry for the ramble but there you go.

08-01-14, 20:46
Welcome :) Sure you'll get loads of support here. X

09-01-14, 09:47
Hi Karen! This is exactly like me!!! And I'm also on sertraline so reassuring to have found this post feel free to pm me anytime xx

12-01-14, 23:03
Hi Karen, I'm also on sertraline and was mega anxious during first few weeks of starting it, you're not rambling, it's good to get it off your chest. :welcome:

14-01-14, 16:08
Hi Karen. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.