View Full Version : Can't cope

08-01-14, 20:39
I really don't know what to do, I can't stop crying, I feel at my wits end. I'm having awful thoughts, depersonalization type feelings. So scared I have a lump in my breast, can't stop checking it more or less every minute. I had a scan of my breasts 13 months ago which just showed breast cysts but am so scared that breast cancer has developed. I have booked a GP appointment Monday but am scared that I am leaving it too long and don't know how I will cope with these feelings and thoughts until Monday :(

08-01-14, 20:53
First deep breaths! I know this can be really scary - but the truth is - it is more than likely just a cyst and nothing more. Tons of people (both men and women) get them all the time. Some go away on there own - others just hang out for the rest of your life. Bring yourself back to the present - you are here right now and you are fine. Tell yourself - right now, I am only going to concern myself with today (or the next 60 minutes - what ever works for you). You will be fine!!! :-)

08-01-14, 21:10
Thanks for your reply it makes sense and I am trying to do that but it's so hard, thanks again for taking the time to reply x