View Full Version : All in the mind?

08-01-14, 22:42
Ok so my question is this , do you really think your mind can create or keep hold of symptoms making them worse , I felt sick last Tuesday and now ever since I've worried and panicked and can't shake the sick feeling , I've worried and checked and done a but more worrying and when anybody tells me they feel poorly I've questioned them with 20 questions how long they've had it and their symptoms etc.... My minds going down the "c" word route and my appointment for my therapist can't come soon enough. I no longer know if I do feel sick or if my mind is making me think I feel sick and nauseous , my husband has literally gone mad at me tonight and said im making myself look silly and I do know this, but just can't stop :-( x

08-01-14, 23:02
Yes absolutely! I have leg twitches and vibrating that I know are from my anxiety. I've also caused myself to have stomach problems and headaches. Your mind is very powerful. I know it's hard to believe but think about how your body physically reacts when you have a panic attack.

08-01-14, 23:06
Rebecca, our minds are one of the most powerful computers on earth. Our minds regulate and control bodily functions. I can assure you that the more I focus on bodily symptoms, the stronger that they become. What is a worse feeling than anxiety - a feeling purely produced by our thoughts and adrenaline.

CJ is right, acceptance is very difficult to do. I still have to work very hard everyday not to allow my brain and my imagination to run away with itself. Keep working on acceptance and all will improve.

09-01-14, 19:31
I've had this week off work so I've had more time on my hands to dwell but today I've made myself go to the gym and then shoe shopping and I've felt a lot better it's only now I'm home I feel nauseous again :( I see a new therapist the end of the month and although I'm more than nervous I'm determined to go x

10-01-14, 00:34
Oh yes. It can be a really big problem. And if you think about it, isn't that where this all usually starts and/or gets worse? In the mind! We feel a twitch or something hurts momentarily or whatever, and our MIND takes that and for whatever reason blows it up and makes something that most anyone else would ignore or consider normal this huge deal and we convince ourselves it's something really really bad and we get worked up and turn into a mess....until it blows over....and we fixate on something else!

10-01-14, 00:41
Good job on distracting yourself today, Rebecca. That's a huge first step.