View Full Version : panicking help!

08-01-14, 23:33
Currently having somewhat of an odd panic attack.
As my mother came into my room to say goodnight a little while ago I had the odd sensation of déjà vu/the feeling I used to get when I had night terrors as a child and the numbers 5 and 9 became prominent for no real reason.
My reaction to this was to freak out and now I'm finding it hard to keep 'what ifs' and such at bay. Worried I'm going to go insane thinking about this. I can't seem to stop. :weep:
Perhaps wondering if it was an odd partial memory/flashback as I had my first councilling session earlier today.
A little support would be greatly appreciated. :unsure:

09-01-14, 21:44
Hi Sorry I have just noticed your thread. I hope you have felt better today. Counselling can be very draining as it does bring up a lot of things so it may well have been that. :hugs: