View Full Version : Fluoxetine and pregnancy

09-01-14, 01:27
Hi Everyone

I used to be on fluoxetine for about 5 years for severe depression, it kept my depression at bay and everything was going well mostly because i had 2 kids during this time and they kept me going the most, earlier last year i decided i decided to go off fluoxetine as everything was great and i felt i could survive without them, which i did. Now i am 6 months pregnant with my 3rd child and im feeling like i cant cope, its not the depression, its a really aggressive and strong inner voice that is telling me i cant cope, I get worried for my children. I went back to the doctors and he wants to put me on a small dose of fluoxetine again to try and get me back to normal and back to counseling next week. I realise my hormones are crazy but its definetly more than just hormones the doctor said.

Just wanted to talk to people and see if anyone has had a similiar experience, i love my kids but its like the inner voice knows what will hurt me the most.
Its hard to explain, its like my inner voice and myself are at constant war and its exhausting.

thanks for reading
