View Full Version : scared

09-01-14, 06:24
Hi all I've been awake 2 hours scared for my life, soaking wet, feel I am cracking up and can't cope please I need reassurance this is normal?

09-01-14, 07:49
Hi Clare
Sending:hugs:your way....how are you feeling now
have you been to sleep at all

09-01-14, 08:56
hi im a lot calmer now thanks, no ive been up since 4-5am x

09-01-14, 09:13
Hi Clare
Glad to hear your feeling much better, wish I could say the same about
myself:weep: I have been awake all night and finally dropped off about 8am but
just woke feeling recalling anxious:weep:
Do you ever get this were you fall asleep then wake not long after feeling panicky
etc....I am sitting here now typing this trying so hard to fight the awful scared feeling
of wanting to run downstairs or sit here and just accept

09-01-14, 09:35
Yes I am just sittin in bed now it is awful the sensations come over me all the time x

09-01-14, 09:56
I had this myself at 3.30am this morning and been awake since
When my anxiety is high like it is at the moment, I tend to wake after 2 or 3 hours in total panic. I got short of breath and feel my heart racing
Maybe I'm having nightmares I'm not sure but when I wake I can't remember a thing! . I had a break in beginning of December which has increased my panic and anxiety so that's set me back.
Obviously that's what's making me feel like this
Pleased to hear you're feeling better Clare x

09-01-14, 09:58
Thank you