View Full Version : unhappy deep down. i know you all feel this

09-01-14, 08:58
to be honest i think we all put up a front. (anxiety sufferers) if im wrong tell me. i know i do im always bubbly in front of folks but sometimes this monster creeps out & grabs you... just finished work & just feel so down,low unhappy i,ve been crying (no one saw) inside im breaking. i did feel better for a while i could cope but now feel like im going down hill again. i want to stop feeling frightend. i realy feel today like nothing or no one can pick me up.

09-01-14, 08:58
chin up (hugs) i feel you

09-01-14, 09:25
I'm much the same Fruity. I sometimes wonder which is the real me. Don't get me wrong - I genuinely am a chatty, funny & quite outgoing person but I get these moments when I want to shut the world away and be left alone. My anxiety hasn't been a huge issue for me lately but my mood can change at the click of fingers - I guess it's just the way I am. Please don't beat yourself up about this - go with the flow. Feel how you feel when you feel it! xx

09-01-14, 09:25
I think you're right, especially for my kids I laugh and smile, but sometimes I just want to hide in bed and cry. I hope you feel better soon.x

09-01-14, 09:41
Same here. The sun is shining this morning. I must pull myself together.
Hope we all feel better soonxx

09-01-14, 09:54
Awh I know - I feel your pain - I'm the same.....it's awful...
big hugs

semper solus
09-01-14, 10:13

I feel the same way. I'm also the life and soul of the party
But deep inside I feel alone and unhappy all the time.

09-01-14, 10:23
thanks claire

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meche im the same as you. funny out going & chatty but it,s ike im not real sometimes. thanks for the reply

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keaw. i wish i could just be happy cause when im not my kids know & feel it & i hate being like it in front of them. thanks for the reply.

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thanks for the reply magic. xxxx

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shelly thanks for the hugs i need them.

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semper solus. im exactly the same it,s very very hard. thanks for the reply.

22-01-14, 17:10
I Totally relate to this. I'm lovely to be around, very nice and good natured, good sense of humour too, I put on a brave face, sometimes I'm desperate to be alone so that I can be alone with my racing thoughts and sometimes I dread knowing I'll be alone because of my thoughts.

I find that when I'm busy, working or exercising or anything like that, that I don't have time to dwell on my anxiety or my thoughts. Then when I'm alone, out comes the ipad and I'm alone with dr google looking up all sorts of illnesses and convincing myself and worrying myself daft that I have them x

22-01-14, 17:26
I don't think this just applies to anxiety sufferers. Those with depression or other personal/life issues tend to put on a brave face in the midst of tribulation.

There are various reasons we do this. For me, when I was going through treatment, I always told my Mom i was doing Ok. If I told her how I really was doing, it would have stressed her out. Many times I had my fiance' speak with her as she would know how bad I was just by my voice. Even afterwards, when I was dealing with some depression, I would never let on to those around me just how bad I was feeling. I believe it's a part of human nature to do this.

Positive thoughts