View Full Version : Hello

Alan Mack
09-01-14, 09:26
Hello.... again :D, my name is Alan and I joined NMP many moons ago but unfortunately haven't been on for a long time, I suffer from agoraphobia/panic disorder and the last couple of years have been really crap for me, last year I only left the house about once or twice a month but hopefully this year will be a lot better as I made a new years resolution (or revolution as I once called them lol) to get myself out a bit more, I thought it would be a good start to pop back on NMP for support and to give support to others :yesyes:


09-01-14, 09:34
Hello and welcome x

09-01-14, 10:38
Hi Alan
Yes I know this feeling with agoraphobia /panic disorder .I suffered for years with it . Although I`m not fully over agoraphobia ,I`m not housebound any longer .. I can`t think of anything worse than not being able to get outdoors , it becomes a prison and you're just existing in life, not living your life .

Up until 18 months back , I was stuck indoors and very limited to how far I could go on foot .Since then I bought myself a car and now am able to get much further .It took a while as I the further I got away from home ,the worse I felt but overtime I was driving over 200 miles ..Funny really how I can travel that distance in a car yet Id find it hard to walk 10 minutes on the road without panic .I would never be able to do this by public transport or be a passenger in a car ,( I like to be in control :D) Maybe one day I will

I set myself daily tasks like walking round the block a few times ,walking to the local shops and staying out that little bit longer each time .. I had to really push myself at times but it`s paid off, but I`ve still got along way to go yet to get ..Maybe I will set myself a goal and leave the car at home and go on a short train jouney . I`m within a few minutes from the station where I live .I guess my car has become my safe place like my home .

Anyway enough about me and hope you're doing well with your New Years resolution and getting out a bit more ... stick to it :-)

All the Best :yesyes:
