View Full Version : Anxiety & Nausea as soon as i wake up?

09-01-14, 10:12
Hello all,

Ive come back to this brilliant website...not having a great time of it at the moment and am suffering with anxiety daily with an acute anxiety reaction that has taken over last few weeks as a result of a few things but mainly due to my employment situation and being out of work now for a year following completion of my degree as a mature student. Luckily im at home wuth my parents and taking one day at a time. I cant take SSRI's as they made a little crazy so have been prescribed low dose Seroquel - will see how that works. My question is - does anyone have this anxious/stomach flipping/bit like a stomach bug/nausea feeling as soon as they wake? Ive had it a week now and ive had this before in bursts but never as bad as this and never as soon as i open my eyes in the morning...it passes after about an hour? Just be interested in anyone elses similar experience ,
Thanks in advance :)

09-01-14, 10:26
hi jen
im having the same problem at the moment soon as i open my eyes the anxiety/panic hits, i think mine is because as soon as i wake up im assessing how i feel and if the anxiety is still there and like you i then get the nauseous feeling for about an hour or so, i find if i have something to eat and drink as soon as i get up it passes a bit quicker hope you feel better soon and the meds work for you

take care

09-01-14, 11:18
Thanks for your reply - just knowing there are others like me out there helps...makes me feel im not going mad...just like say we focus on it and then it gets worse....and its a vicious circle. Mmmm ill have to see with Seroquel, ive heard it make you gain weight but tried a few SSRI's and they made me too gittery and manic...Seroquel is for bi-polar but the Pysch said it can be used for anxiety in low dose - fingers crossed...all the best to you too...here's to beating anxiety! :)

Burning Fire
09-01-14, 14:47
I too have this awful anxiety when i wake, ive done a little research, an it's because, we don't trust the process of life. Now when i wake i say to myself " i trust the process of life" and this helps me calm down, I hope this helps x

09-01-14, 15:15
I do every morning. A lot is to do with the blood sugar dropping during the night. I get up as soon as I wake and get some breakfast. I soon start to feel better.

10-01-14, 11:05
As Annie0904 rightly says it is because the blood sugar level falls due to overnight fasting. It really is as simple as that.
I know that it is difficult when you are feeling yucky but have something to eat when you wake up. I kept a packet of biscuits beside my bed for years and would have a choc bourbon before getting up or if I awoke anxious during the night. (other varieties of biscuit are available and can be chosen at your discretion. lol) With hindsight I ate so many I wish I had bought shares in the company. Dehydration isn't helpful either so make sure you have a glass of water. Take sips if you can't drink the lot down.
Try having a light snack about an hour before bed too. This should go some way to helping your blood sugar levels remaining more stable.

15-04-14, 21:21
yeah i have the anxiety when I wake up. Seroquel destroys my anxiety, its a brilliant med and is used off label for generalised anxiety disorder.