View Full Version : does anyone bite their cheeks?

15-11-06, 18:10
hello you lot,
can anybody tell me if you do the same as me, i bite the inside of my cheeks, (in my sleep), i have white patches on both of insides of mouth, but its got sore lately, can anyone recommend a product or cream that would help, i have the dentist tomm and i know she will comment again on this, but she never comes up with any advice or a product.

we are all stronger people after having this

15-11-06, 21:23
hi JuJu

It sounds like you are doing a lot of grinding of your teeth, your poor cheeks are just getting in the way. Best ask what the dentist thinks, mine made me a mouth guard to wear to protect my teeth. It might help.

I have to say I don't wear it now as I am sleeping a lot better and calmer, but that could be meds.

Hope that helps.


Laissez les bon temp roulez

16-11-06, 04:26
This is from grinding your teeth during the night. I do this also. It is from stress etc.

I have found relaxation cd's are great just before you go to bed as they calm your body and help you get to sleep quicker so you're not laying there thinking about things.

I haven't bitten the insides of my cheeks since doing the relaxtion cd's.

Ask the dentist to make you a mouth guard which will help alot.


piglits pal
16-11-06, 08:31
I do it too - chew my mouth and grind my teeth.

The dentist may be able to make something called a Sleep Guard - it's like a mouth guard but specifically for use while sleeping to stop the damage.

19-11-06, 19:13
thanks all,
i went to the dentist and shes crap, i had to ask her to look inside cheeks, she wasnt even concerned, she thought she had referred me to hospital for a proper check, stupid woman, i asked for a mouthguard and she told me i could buy one, i pay denplan bloody 16 a month too. bloody rip off.

we are all stronger people after having this

20-11-06, 21:57
That happens to me too.
And all along the edges on my tongue and it's sore at the moment :(
I didn't know it was from grinding your teeth.