View Full Version : Ectopic beats and light headedness

09-01-14, 16:53
Hi folks!

I have an ectopic beat which comes and go's when it does come though it's accompanied by feeling lightheaded, there have been several times when ive had them where ive thought i might faint. I've never actually fainted, just have really bad light headed moments with them. Anyone else get this?

11-01-14, 11:02
Yes it happens to me a lot. Have you listed to the radio programme I posted?

17-03-14, 16:07
Typer -- where is the radio program? I would love to listen to it. I am experiencing something similar and it scares me so bad. I just went to my cardio a few months ago and he said not to come back in a year. He was not concerned. My EKG, as he put it, was boring. But, I feel these, sometimes it takes my breath away, like I am hyperventilating with it, and I am certain any moment ... I wish I could explain it better, but I know I am afraid. I am going through a lot right now and horribly stressed, and this doesn't help. I have not been back here in ages because I thought my anxiety was under control until last November when yet another time was causing me angst. I was doing so well, but it is happening again. I don't like the weird feelings in my head associated with this. Feeling like I am going to black out, or feel like a head rush or whatever. I don't like the weird thuds, which makes me "jump". I had a stress echo a couple of years ago and everything was running just fine. What is this? Why do I feel like I am going to black out? Why can't I breathe sometimes? I just want to cry. I don't want anxiety to get me again -- but these symptoms are making me so weak, it will creep back in. Yes, wiskersonkittens is back. I just wish it were to be able to help others, since I once conquered this, not to get help for myself all over again.