View Full Version : Need some advice please!!!

09-01-14, 18:17
Hi, I've been taking clomipramine for as long as I can remember. it has definitely been good to me and helped but recently I have been really bad with my anxiety. I also take propranolol.

I went to the doctor and he wants to introduce Citalopram half a tablet for a week and then a whole tablet and see him in a month.

I'm so scared, I don't know if I dare to mix all this medication I'm on. He didnt seem at all concerned.

Does this seem right? Should I just try it? or shall I just stay as I am and try and overcome this anxiety without introducing this new medication?

10-01-14, 14:30
Hi Gazza ,When I took citalopram first time round in July 2012, I was already on propranalol, 2 tablets a day and I took them for about a month after starting the cit then I just stopped them and was fine. This time round I am just taking the citalopram and the side effects have been worse, I don't know whether the propranalol helped first time round to lessen the side effects, in fact my GP told me yesterday to take a propranalol if I think I need it as I find mornings are awful for the anxiety. Unfortunately you won't feel instantly better when you start the citalopram and you may even feel a bit worse but it is worth it in the long run. Good luck.