View Full Version : Fear of eating

09-01-14, 21:06
Hi all

Recently i've been starting to go to the gym. I felt like I needed to lose e few kilos for the summer season and i've been feeling extra aware of my looks. I'm not a big girl, i'm more like a little bit curvy.

When I was 13 to 15 I had eating disorders when I stopped eating due to depression and weight issues, I wasnt big back then either I just fell for the stereotype of girls having to be skinny.

Today I saw that I have lost a few kilos and I all of a sudden had this fear of eating dinner. I feel anxious and panicy just thinking of food and it made me break down. I'm afraid that I might have fallen back to my old young self and i'm not sure what I can do about it.

Does anyone had the same feeling? If you have, what did you do?

x Paranoia

09-01-14, 22:03
I went through a stage where I didn't want to eat but mine was mainly due to nausea with anxiety. I just tried to eat little and often.

09-01-14, 23:51
Try not to focus on it, as the more you do, the more of a big deal it'll become. Like Annie said, eat little and often if you can't manage big meals, and try distracting yourself with music so you're not focussing so much on eating. It may pass within a couple of days. See how you feel then.