View Full Version : Sinusitis

09-01-14, 23:03
I have sinusitis at the moment and I've heard that can spread to the brain and cause meningitis, how often does this happen? I'm scared to google incase I have a panic attack, my anxiety has been low for me today after days of unbearable anxiety (not health, generalised), I don't want to mess that up

09-01-14, 23:25
It's probably incredibly rare, you'll be fine :)

09-01-14, 23:31
I'm 44 years old and have had a lot of sinus issues and colds and what not over my lifetime. I've maybe once sought antibiotics and that was because it was such a bad one that my teeth hurt. All that to say I'm okay. I'm sure you will be too :-)

09-01-14, 23:58
I had sinusitis recently and it didn't turn into anything worse. I'd imagine it's very rare.

10-01-14, 00:28
I think that is so rare to almost be unbelievable. What are you doing to work on your health anxiety. It sounds like that's the most important thing.

10-01-14, 02:03
Thanks guys :) I've just started CBT, I've ordered a self help book that I've been recommended and the doctor's prescribed me some medication but I'm not sure at the moment whether I want to take them.

---------- Post added at 02:03 ---------- Previous post was at 00:39 ----------

coughing up green phlegm too :( it was clear the last few days, getting scared now I don't want pneumonia

10-01-14, 02:42
Where are you getting pneumonia from? There's nothing magical about green phlegm--it's pretty common with congestion. Some of it goes down post-nasally and you cough it up, that's all.

10-01-14, 03:00
Don't know, just being irrational again, my friend nearly died from it when we were younger and she just thought she had a bad cough and went to school and everything, just scares me

10-01-14, 12:09
This was my worry too. Antibiotics haven't worked and I'm on the third month of sinus eye pain and I'm still here (touch wood). Please dont Google, it will only worry you more. 3 weeks Google free and counting :-)) x

10-01-14, 13:08
Thanks guys :) I've just started CBT, I've ordered a self help book that I've been recommended and the doctor's prescribed me some medication but I'm not sure at the moment whether I want to take them.

Let me be blunt and this is not just for you Ballerina, but for all here that have been prescribed medication for their anxiety. STOP BEING A WUSS AND TAKE THE PILLS! They were prescribed for a reason! You may not want to take them but if they can take even 50% of the edge off your anxiety why that hell wouldn't you take them? Isn't even 50% better worth it?

I read your (everyone's) posts and wonder why in the hell you go to the doctor in the first place if you're going to listen to them! I understand some have pill phobias but there are ways to get the meds into you. Hell, when I couldn't eat, I had my fiance crush the meds, mix them with warm water and pour them into my PEG tube.

Off my soapbox....

Positive thoughts

10-01-14, 13:13
I think it's the side effects that scare people Fishmanpa, especially people with HA as they can't differentiate between what's anxiety, the meds and their supposed illness.
It leads into a circle of confusion and putting trust into something other than yourself, which is hard for some people.

10-01-14, 13:36
I think it's the side effects that scare people Fishmanpa, especially people with HA as they can't differentiate between what's anxiety, the meds and their supposed illness.
It leads into a circle of confusion and putting trust into something other than yourself, which is hard for some people.

That's understood Luna... truly it is. There is an overwhelming desire by everyone here to not suffer with their HA. Meds are a "treatment" to help. Not everyone needs them but some do. It's like my cancer. Some can be treated with just surgery, some with surgery and radiation and some, like myself, needed surgery, radiation and chemo. Would I have told my doctors "sorry, can't do the chemo... too afraid of the side effects"? Hell no! My life was at stake. Well, your life is at stake too! Anxiety and HA won't kill you but living with it is akin to dying above ground. To live in constant fear is not living is it? To get the dragon under control, one must do what is necessary. If it's just a pill so be it but at least try. It's got to be better than suffering!

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 13:31
Let me be blunt and this is not just for you Ballerina, but for all here that have been prescribed medication for their anxiety. STOP BEING A WUSS AND TAKE THE PILLS! They were prescribed for a reason! You may not want to take them but if they can take even 50% of the edge off your anxiety why that hell wouldn't you take them? Isn't even 50% better worth it?

I read your (everyone's) posts and wonder why in the hell you go to the doctor in the first place if you're going to listen to them! I understand some have pill phobias but there are ways to get the meds into you. Hell, when I couldn't eat, I had my fiance crush the meds, mix them with warm water and pour them into my PEG tube.

Off my soapbox....

Positive thoughts

To be fair I've had a bad experience with psychiatric medication in the past, I got prescribed this anti psychotic and it was just awful. I had all these electric shock feelings again and again, I was totally spaced out and felt like I was in a dream, I was so depersonalised. I was nauseous, dizzy and really suicidal. I've never been so depressed as to actually consider killing myself but I was on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out just wanting to die. It was actually the worst couple of days of my life because of that medication. I'm scared it'll happen again.
Also the doctor didn't say I HAD to take what she's just prescribed me, she asked me if I wanted them, and I got them but haven't decided if it's for me yet.

12-01-14, 17:19
To be fair I've had a bad experience with psychiatric medication in the past, I got prescribed this anti psychotic and it was just awful. I had all these electric shock feelings again and again, I was totally spaced out and felt like I was in a dream, I was so depersonalised. I was nauseous, dizzy and really suicidal. I've never been so depressed as to actually consider killing myself but I was on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out just wanting to die. It was actually the worst couple of days of my life because of that medication. I'm scared it'll happen again.
Also the doctor didn't say I HAD to take what she's just prescribed me, she asked me if I wanted them, and I got them but haven't decided if it's for me yet.

After my 1st heart attack and bypass I went into depression. I was 47 years old and had a freaking 6" scar in the middle of my chest. I went from a gym rat and more fit than someone half my age to practically an invalid trying to recover. I knew I was depressed and sought help. I went to counseling and was prescribed Zoloft (100mg). I didn't "want" to take them either and it wasn't demanded that I did take them but it was highly recommended by my doctor and counselor. So I did. I really didn't feel anything for a while. The only side effect I had was loose stools and some bowel issues. About three months in, while I didn't notice anything, those around me did. They said I was more upbeat and positive. It was at that point that I started to recognize the effects of the drug. Like yourself, I felt a bit disconnected and I really was getting tired of the bowel issues. It wasn't terrible by any means but it was a PITA. I spoke to my doctor and counselor and they reduced the dose to 50mg. That helped. While I didn't care for the effects of the drug, it did help me get over the hump with the depression. I stayed on Zoloft for 6 months and was weaned off. It was then that I realized just how much I was drugged.

This time, after my battle with cancer, I sought help again as I recognized the signs of depression early. I've been in counseling for about two months now and I feel I'm definitely over the hump. I was offered drugs as well but wanted to try to get through this without and fortunately I did. Had I struggled more, I would have gone on a med to assist me. It's not a sign of weakness to take a med. Sometimes it's a necessary thing to help you. I understand that some drugs have nasty side effects. That's why there are so many on the market. The science of psychotropics is not exact. Everyone is different and reacts differently to them. Obviously, your doctor feels it would be beneficial for you. The key is to find the right med and dose and that means experimentation sometimes. For some, it works great and for some, like you experienced, it doesn't. At that point a change in dosage or med is warranted.

Obviously you're struggling. You sought help with your feelings. That is commendable and much more than many do. It was a huge step forward in battling the dragon. If the med can put out his fire for a while while you get dragon fighting lessons, then it might be worth a try. Ultimately, it's your decision. I wasn't too fond of the idea of putting poison into my body to fight my cancer but it was necessary to defeat the beast. My treatment was for 6 weeks. Some Warriors get chemo for years to fight the beast. Some Dragon Slayers need meds for years. Some only need it long enough to put out his fire. Just consider that in your battle.

Positive thoughts

13-01-14, 02:37
Once this infection has cleared up I'm going to go for it :) I know health anxiety sufferers never really feel "healthy" but I'd rather not have this blocked up nose and chesty cough on top of the side effects. Getting really low with this anxiety at the moment and if the med is horrible I can always stop.

14-01-14, 12:23
How's your infection today? You have exactly the same fear as me. I've just come back from the doctors in floods of tears because they won't give me anymore antibiotics. I've read sinus infections are a main cause of deadly mengitis, so now I'm scared stiff its going to happen to me. How are you dealing with it?x