View Full Version : Aaaargh!!!

10-01-14, 08:26
Ok so, as a HA sufferer I am aware that a lot of the time I worry unnecessarily. However, I found a lump in my breast on Monday. Drs Thursday and he said keep an eye on breasts between now and next monthly cycle. I don't think he could feel the lump that I can though! It's small (petit poi size), smooth, firm and I can't work out if it's moveable or not (slightly maybe but could just be skin moving over it).

I'm having kittens over it now reading that firm lumps are always the c word more so if they are fixed! I haven't even googled, I came straight on here for advice but found bad things for small hard lumps. Everyone I've read about that has had a benign breast lump had either a soft lump or a moveable one!

I have quite lumpy breasts anyway (apparently as a slim person I'm likely to have less fat in them) but this is the first hard lump.

I have since requested a referral to a breast clinic but haven't had apt through yet.

Somebody please talk some sense into me!!

I will be starting CBT and counselling in a couple of months but I'm worried this is definitely it now as I've so many escapes so far. And now I keep hearing about people in their early 30's getting it and dying from it, before I had HA that was almost unheard of!

Sorry for the rant but I'm going to go out of my mind if I don't speak to someone on my wavelength!


10-01-14, 09:41
If your doctor thought you were in any danger he would have reffered you straight away. I was checked within a couple of days when I found a lump. I had mammogram and ultrsound and a needle test but everything was fine. It was benign and disappeared itself.

10-01-14, 13:21
This my fear at the moment, I am constantly checking my right breast and can feel a lump I've got to see the doctor on Monday. Sometimes I can feel the lump other times I can't. But Annie is right if the doctor was concerned he would've have referred you, the same happened to me last year and I had an appointment within 2 weeks, which is standard for any concerns. Sorry can't offer much advice just wanted you to know you are not alone xx

10-01-14, 14:00
At your age its most likely a benign lump/ hormonal lump. I know nothng we can say on here can reassure you totally because you won't be reassured until you get your appt and have the tests. If your appt comes through and its more than 2 weeks away then go back to Gp and ask him to speed it up for your sanity!
I know its impossible not to worry but remember that whether you worry yourself inside out of just worry a little makes no difference to the outcome so if you can, try to worry just a little, hard as that is.
Please let us know how you get on.

10-01-14, 14:39
Thanks guys, trying to keep busy and not think about it but it's proving difficult. Doesn't help that I'm waiting for appt to come through, post has just been delivered... No appt but a c research leaflet!! Now I'm thinking its a sign! Damn it!

Thanks Ats, it's torture isn't it. I already called the surgery yesterday after appt to be referred through Bupa as I thought it'd be quicker (lucky to have this as part of a work benefit). I've never known fear like it :weep:

10-01-14, 16:37
Hi kirbear
I can totally sympathise, I have a small pea sized lump and have been referred to the breast clinic Monday. I am terrified and just trying to not focus on it at all. If I think about it too much I just feel sick with fear.
It is nice guidelines in England now that all breast lumps should be referred and seen within two weeks. ( I don't know if there is an age guideline on it?).
Most lumps (90%) are benign though.
Try to keep focussed on other things....but that is so much easier said than done!!

10-01-14, 17:20
I've experienced the exact same as you.

When I was 16 I found a lump in my breast. Had an ultrasound and found nothing serious, then went to a breast clinic where I was told that it was to do with my hormones. I began noticing that my lump (I found three in the end) would harden and get bigger a week before my period and then virtually disappear just before it finished. It is very common and I was advised to take Evening Primrose Oil to alleviate symptoms. I later found out that a few of my friends and relatives had the exact same as me.

I always say to get lumps of any kind checked but they are very rarely dangerous.

11-01-14, 11:15
Thanks ladies. It hasn't changed since my period ended on Sunday :scared15: so frightening, hope appt comes through today I hate the waiting game! I'm not sure if it's as firm and fixed as I first thought unless I'm just kidding myself. Wonder if it's possible with HA to actually feel physical symptoms worse than what they actually are. Hmmm

Keep us update Flossy and Ats x

11-01-14, 11:31
It's likely that the HA is probably making it feel a lot worse than it actually is. Try not to think about the appointment or the lump, it's a beautiful day outside :)

11-01-14, 11:39
Sending you lots of good wishes and think it's great that you came straight on here. I have always been prone to bottling up my anxiety and not sharing it for fear of being thought of as crazy. This site can be a great comfort and we can help each other.

I really relate to your story and tempting though it is, please try to ease off on checking and prodding . You can end up feeling really sore and sensitive and mistake this for further problems. I speak from experience.

Wishing you all the best and I'll keep and eye out for your progress. xx