View Full Version : Erratic behaviour but not bipolar?Help please

10-01-14, 16:33
I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help me.
I have been receiving treatment for depression for the lsst 8 years on and off. This particular episode started around june 2013 - and since my first visit to my doctor back then I have made it clear that I feel different form how I normally feel when i'm depressed.
Recently i have been experiencing what i am choosing to call a mild type of 'mania'. I cut my hair off and regretted it immediately (now feel terrible about my self because of it), I decided that I wanted to start my own business and actually approached people I haven't spoken to in years for advice on this (I have NO desire to start my own business, i'm embarassed that I did this and am dreading theses people asking me how i'm getting on with my non-exisistant business plan), I am essentially picking fights with strangers and in general not acting like myself.
The unpredictableness of my actions has become more of an issue for me than the depression and anxiety, and my counsellor asked me to speak to my GP about a psychiatric referall.
The GP was quick to tell me that she doesn't believe i'm bipolar - and I agree.
But being under the umbrella of 'depression' doesn't sit well with me.
I have been going from high to low with little or no warning since summer of 2013 and i'm not really comfortable with just being treated for depression, as I do feel that there is more to this.
Is there really no middle ground on this 'bi-polar' spectrum? I feel like i would benefit so much more from treatment (if such a thing exists) that would help me when im feeling 'high', rather than feeling low. I have dealt with feeling low from depression for years and I just know that this is different.
Any opinions at all would help - thank you if you read this far, I wasn't planning on such a wall of text.
**EDIT** I would be especially interested in hearing from any medical professionals who could help me perhaps better describe how i'm feeling to my doctor. I worry about not being taken seriously, especially when seeing a new person who does not know me or my medical background.