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10-01-14, 16:58
Hey everyone :)
I have been offered the most amazing opportunity ever today. My history teacher at college picked me out for a chance to go to Oxford University to experince the Tudor History course for a few days! Like wow. Only problem is I have to stay overnight and sleeping anywhere apart from home has been a massive source of anxiety for me even before my disorders and panic attacks. Also I still am no way near recovery and still have health anxiety. I just cant imagine passing up this amazing oppurtunity but I just dont know if I could handle it? What do you think?
Thanks x

10-01-14, 17:01
That is great to hear! Congratulations :)

I believe in you. You can do it Becky!! How many days will you be staying there?

10-01-14, 17:10
I think I would do everything in my power to quell the dragon and prevent him from ruining this absolutely amazing opportunity!

Positive thoughts

10-01-14, 17:11
Flippin' do it!

I had a chance to visit Cambridge University when I was at school and I did not go for the same reason. Years later I am still kicking myself!!! It will be an amasing experience for you and a massive confidence booster. It could help with the anxiety too.

10-01-14, 17:12
Thank guys :) Umm I think its either 1 or two nights not sure :/ But I have to reply asap so I just dont know what to do x

10-01-14, 17:13
Say yes!

10-01-14, 17:36
Definitely say yes!

10-01-14, 18:16
Brilliant! You'll really kick yourself if you say no. When I first started work in my first job I was offered the chance to go to Malaysia for a few days. I was really badly anxious at the time but I knew it was the right thing to do. I am so glad I went! I had some anxiety and some wobbly moments while I was away but I dealt with it and when I got back it has given my confidence such a boost to know that I could faced my fears. Even if you're anxious you have strategies for coping and being away will probably mean that your mind is occupied and your anxiety might even be better.

10-01-14, 19:25
Definitely go for it. Tell yourself that even if you are feeling anxious it's only for a couple of days. Don't pass up this great opportunity.

10-01-14, 20:29
Thank you all for your replies it can be great to get advice from someone who knows what im going through! x

10-01-14, 21:11
Think about it this way - it is only two days - a very short amount of time when you think about it! I am the same way - I have HUGE anxiety when I go anywhere! I just tell myself - its only 2 days and before I know it I will be home! And I don't have to go if I don't want to - I am choosing to go! You can do it - I'd rather go and possible have a pannic attack then kick myself for not going!

10-01-14, 22:08
Becky, it might be helpful to read my post about my road trip to Atlanta around Thanksgiving. I was scared to step out of my comfort zone, so I made a plan in advance. I was afraid but I did it anyway. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Go for it! Make that plan. You will be just fine.

10-01-14, 22:13
Becky- you can do this!
Since you already battle with anxiety you know that you can feel it even within your own home. Even if you do have anxiety while you are away- it is just those same feelings. You have dealt with them many times and have beat them each time. You will again- even if you are doing it in a different location than your comfort zone.

And, you can always get on here for support if you are feeling a little antsy.

Go for it! We are all rooting for you!