View Full Version : spaced out, exercise

10-01-14, 17:49
after visiting 5 different doctors, who have carried out basic & neurological tests, all have told me i have an anxiety disorder and nothing serious to worry about. Despite the doctors reassurances my symptoms continue to be very unpleasant and interfere with my day to day life even when i don't feel anxious.

My head is consumed by thoughts of my symptoms and the unpleasant way they are making me feel. The dizziness and spaced out feeling is the worst symptom i'm experiencing at the moment. When i walk about i feel like my body is in auto pilot and my mind is elsewhere. I really want to get a grip of this anxiety and return to my normal self ASAP as i start university again soon and don't want it to interfere with my studies.

I decided to go to the gym today as i have heard exercise is a strong tool in the battle against anxiety, i managed to complete 35 minutes of cardiovascular exercise although it was very difficult. On the walk to the gym the unpleasant feeling of being trapped in my thoughts and not in control of my body continued. As i was exercising my mind was still drifting into unpleasant thoughts about my symptoms and the feeling that i'm losing control of my thoughts and actions. As i exercised i felt strong palpitations in my neck that concerned me but i continued with my workout determined to complete the goals i had set myself. I stopped several times on my walk home to stand still as i felt so woozy from walking around and felt that my body was moving out of my control. My thoughts and actions are so disconnected it's really horrible. Even now ,as i type this message, i feel my mind is elsewhere. This spaced out and dizzy feeling has to stop, i'm determined to beat it but i just don't know how.

I'm trying my best to accept the anxiety diagnosis but it's so difficult when the feeling of being disconnected from reality is so strong. I would give anything to return to normal and live my life again without this crippling symptom.

10-01-14, 17:54
The symptoms you re describing are very typical anxiety symptoms. Dizziness, spacey-ness, consumed in thought, all very normal.

If you think about it, when we all walk we all do so on auto-pilot. We are not conscious of each step we take, each muscle we contract etc. It's a fluid motion.

It sounds like you do not visit the gym often so 35 minutes of cardio for the first time is a shock to the body. All the symptoms you have mentioned since the cardio are very normal symptoms of exercising, because your body has had to work harder than usual.

You could probably benefit from counselling or CBT to help you come to terms with the anxiety diagnosis and to help train your mind to accept the symptoms as NORMAL anxiety and exercising symptoms (which are both very similar, if not the same).

10-01-14, 18:10
in my previous post i have described my other symptoms but dizziness is the prevailing one at the moment and the only one that seems constant where as the others come and go. I visited the gym religiously until i came down with a flu about 2 months ago and i'm still in pretty decent shape physically.

The dizziness is the worst feeling i've ever experienced it's really horrible, i feel off balance and as though i'm not there at all. It's hard to put into words just how bad it feels. Even if i accept this as a feeling of anxiety i don't see how it's going to stop or get better, it's still a very disturbing symptom that consumes my thoughts due to its severity

10-01-14, 18:17
From the symptoms link here on the sight.

Dizziness or light-headedness

What you feel:

You feel suddenly light-headed, woozy or dizzy. This is sometimes accompaniedby a feeling that you might faint or pass out. It also may feel as though youare walking on a boat, or that the floor seems to move up and down and it's hardto balance. You may also have difficulty placing your feet because yourperception of the ground or floor may be wrong. In some cases it may seem that even though you are standing on a firm floor, the floor may be vibrating or moving.

This is a very common feeling that most sufferers get. It's usually as a result of hyperventilation but also of intense fear and the adrenalin hit.
Feeling faint is very worrying and very frightening. You feel as though you are going to pass out or the whole world seems to be spinning and you cannot focus on anything. Your vision is blurred and this causes more Panic as you are now 'sure' that you will pass out or collapse.
Even when you convince yourself that you will not faint, the feeling of un-steadiness or dizziness remains. This feeling can go on for minutes or hours and there seems to be no end to it.

What causes this:

This symptom has a few variations. Some people may experience a sudden head rush feeling, which goes almost as quickly as it comes. As long as the individual doesn't react with more fear, the symptom will come and go and will vary in frequency from a number of times per day, to a few times a month.
Another variation includes a constant state of unbalance, spinning, wooziness, fogginess and so on. Often it is accompanied by a feeling that you may pass out (some people do, however, that's not common).

This symptom has a few causes. It could be from a blood sugar imbalance, hyperventilation (not getting enough oxygen) or an inner ear or ear pressure condition. This is a common symptom and sometimes an individual can experience both forms, and at different times.

There are tests available that can accurately identify a blood sugar imbalance, however, most often this isn't the main cause. Typically, those with anxiety disorder have their blood sugar levels within the safe range when tested. However, long periods without eating may aggravate the condition because blood sugar levels may drop too low because of not eating. It's important to eat regular wholesome and natural food so that the fluctuations in blood sugar remain in the normal range.

If you are experiencing this symptom, having medical tests may be beneficial - certainly, to rule out any other cause. If your symptom is a result of hyperventilation, deliberately deep slow breathing will reduce and even eliminate this symptom. While deep relaxation will help to diminish and eliminate most symptoms, I found that this symptom is one that hangs on the longest, and is the least responsive to immediate counter action. However, regular exercise provided me with results though not immediate.

Try to steady your breathing and sit quietly somewhere so that you can concentrate on it. The more you Panic and worry, the worse you will feel.
Try to occupy and distract your mind with something so you don't focus on the dizziness and if necessary sit down for a while to help get your balance back.

As with all symptoms, when the nervous system gets sufficient rest, this symptom will diminish and eventually subside.

Positive thoughts

10-01-14, 18:24
i understand it's an anxiety symptom but it's just so unpleasant and hard to deal with. I'm really trying my best. Even when i control my breathing and relax it continues. I'm hoping it subsides soon and appreciate the support very much it's just such a concerning symptom and, as noted in the symptoms section, it's so difficult to shake off. The severity of it tricks me into thinking it's something more than anxiety, as do the feelings i'm about to pass out

10-01-14, 18:28
Well, anxiety causes blood pressure to rise so you will never pass out, as that it caused by very low blood pressure. And you have visited five doctors who have all said that your symptoms are not harmful, dangerous or serious but just anxiety.

I know it's rubbish but I find focusing on the symptoms just makes them worse. Keep your focus on other things instead, like reading, gaming, watching TV etc.

10-01-14, 18:34
i'm trying my best to focus on other things but it's really difficult at the minute. i feel so disjointed in my head, my thoughts and my actions are a million miles apart. This spaced out/dizzy feeling really is awful to the point that i can't distract myself from it. It's a nightmare.

10-01-14, 19:27
i understand it's an anxiety symptom but it's just so unpleasant and hard to deal with. I'm really trying my best. Even when i control my breathing and relax it continues. I'm hoping it subsides soon and appreciate the support very much it's just such a concerning symptom and, as noted in the symptoms section, it's so difficult to shake off. The severity of it tricks me into thinking it's something more than anxiety, as do the feelings i'm about to pass out


Part of CBT therapy is...for lack of a better word..."re-programming" the way you react to the stimuli that cause the anxiety as well as the symptoms. It's an "attitude adjustment" if you will.

Here's the link to the free program available here:


It's quite good and informative as well. It explains in detail the physiological reasons of what's going on. Knowledge is power. Learning about how and why you feel as you do will give you power over it. AND... it's a distraction as well ;) It truly is worth a look see... I guarantee you'll have a few "Ah Ha" moments while reading it.

Positive thoughts

10-01-14, 20:26
i've gone through the CBT links and i'm going to continue trying with them. I do relate to a lot of things included but my physical symptoms seem much more severe than many anxiety sufferers i read about.

how do i get my nervous system to calm back down? i'm still struggling to accept the diagnosis with how bad i feel but i'm really trying my best

10-01-14, 20:52
how do i get my nervous system to calm back down?

Some are on medications that help. Beta blockers and psychotropics are effective for some.

Positive thoughts

10-01-14, 21:35
i've been given a low dosage of beta blockers but they don't seem to be helping. the dizziness just seems to be getting worse and it's really worrying me. i feel trapped in my own head. i really hope it's just anxiety

10-01-14, 22:32
Sounds like anxiety to me well at least we hope so. reading your post sounds exactly like me and my symptoms very frustrating and mines worse when i enter public places :(

10-01-14, 22:46
i'm really frightened at how i feel. i don't feel like i'm in my body at all. i look at my arm and don't feel like it's a part of my body and feel so dizzy. i stand in a room and i'm in my thoughts not in the room. this is the worst i've ever felt and it's getting me so extremely low. it just seems to be getting worse. i'd give anything to feel normal again.

11-01-14, 15:00
feeling so dizzy when i walk around and last night i developed a strong pain in my chin that took me aback. i seem to feel worse on mornings

11-01-14, 15:14
after visiting 5 different doctors, who have carried out basic & neurological tests, all have told me i have an anxiety disorder and nothing serious to worry about. Despite the doctors reassurances my symptoms continue to be very unpleasant and interfere with my day to day life even when i don't feel anxious.

Thanks to guys/girls from this forum (especially to very persistent and persuasive member HoneyLove to whom I am very, very grateful :) )-I started seeing psychologist for my health anxiety, and it was really a good decision. It will take a long to heal, and it may never heal completely-but you feel really good when you know you started the battle with the enemy and you are doing something about it.

The doctors actually diagnosed you-anxiety disorder is a diagnosis, just as cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, multiple sclerosis or cancer is. Maybe not as serious as the last three, but still an illness, and one that can, and should be cured. As soon as you start to treat it-you'll fill better and your symptoms will be milder.

11-01-14, 15:38
Thanks to guys/girls from this forum (especially to very persistent and persuasive member HoneyLove to whom I am very, very grateful :) )-I started seeing psychologist for my health anxiety, and it was really a good decision. It will take a long to heal, and it may never heal completely-but you feel really good when you know you started the battle with the enemy and you are doing something about it.

The doctors actually diagnosed you-anxiety disorder is a diagnosis, just as cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, multiple sclerosis or cancer is. Maybe not as serious as the last three, but still an illness, and one that can, and should be cured. As soon as you start to treat it-you'll fill better and your symptoms will be milder.

That's the truth right there! Actually joining the battle and fighting back does wonders for your psyche! It's certainly WAY better than cowering in a foxhole and being shot at from all angles.

Also, expect it to take time. Just like weight loss, you took possibly years to get to where you are now, don't expect it to take weeks or months to get back to the way you are. Be prepared to fight a long battle and win it one skirmish at a time.

Positive thoughts

11-01-14, 15:39
Relaxation techniques calm the sympathetic nervous system down.

Basically controlling your breathing, breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold. Slowing down your breathing slows your heart rate down, which in turn kick starts the parasympathetic nervous system down.

This is a link to my blog post called 'The importance of proper breathing' which could help you out.

11-01-14, 15:45
That's the truth right there! Actually joining the battle and fighting back does wonders for your psyche! It's certainly WAY better than cowering in a foxhole and being shot at from all angles.

Positive thoughts


Oh, the tree of life is growing
Where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation shines
In dark and empty skies.

11-01-14, 15:59
i'm trying my best but the dizziness is getting so much worse to the point that i can hardly walk about without feeling i'm going to pass out. even after seeing doctors who tell me i have anxiety and attempting to relax using relaxation CD's and exercising my dizziness, eye and nose pressure continues to worsen. How can this just be anxiety?

11-01-14, 16:09
i'm trying my best but the dizziness is getting so much worse to the point that i can hardly walk about without feeling i'm going to pass out. even after seeing doctors who tell me i have anxiety and attempting to relax using relaxation CD's and exercising my dizziness, eye and nose pressure continues to worsen. How can this just be anxiety?

When medical science cannot find a physical reason for your symptoms and it's not an actual viral or bacterial infection, it leaves mental illness. Based on the symptoms described, a diagnosis of anxiety would be accurate. Perhaps some normal sinus pressure due to allergies is causing the pressure but your anxiety is escalating normal sinus symptoms into something sinister.

Positive thoughts

11-01-14, 16:29
i haven't had full medical checks though, doctors have just done basic medical tests and neurological exams testing my strength and reflexes but my symptoms continue to worsen despite their reassurances. i feel like the boy who cried wolf because now the doctors think it's anxiety when i could have something severely wrong with me. i feel simply dreadful today, like i could flake out at any minute. i've even developed a pain in my chin

11-01-14, 16:42
Neurological exam is not a basic medical test, it's a accurate diagnostic tool that actually rules out brain tumors, palsies, motor neuron diseases and so on. If your doctor told you that you don't need a CT, MRI or something like that-it is actually a very good news, as you are healthy enough not to warrant further testing.

Anxiety aggravates your symptoms, for example, if you feel sinus pain and the severity of the pain (on a scale from 1. insignificant to 10. totally ****in' killing you) is, for example 3, combined with anxiety it will be 6 or 7.

You were ill enough to go to medical professionals, they checked you, and they gave you diagnosis-anxiety disorder. There are ways to cure it-I think you should at least try. See if that works out-at least give it two weeks or a month. Even Ebola Zair can't kill you in such a short time :)-therefore try it. If you feel better after that period-well, you have your answer and the doctors were right. If not, go back to them and ask for further check-ups and scans. In addition, just to let you know: absent-mindedness and dizziness are classic, TEXTBOOK symptoms of health anxiety. Just search this forum and you will see how many other health anxiety sufferers complained of these. Thousands, I think.

Try just to accept that, for now on, your illness is anxiety, and not something else. If the doctor had told you "pneumonia" or "chronic sinusitis"-you would not be so incredulous, right? :) You would be dutifully drinking antibiotics and resting and so on. Well, with the same wish and motivation to cure pneumonia, you should be attempting to cure this thing your doctors told you you suffered from-anxiety disorder. If that fails-don't worry, they will test and scan and poke and probe you for everything. But let's hope it won't be the case, shall we? ;)

11-01-14, 16:47
The reason why they are worsening is because you are focusing on it.

The doctors clearly did not feel the need for a full medical test, hence why you did not get one. I would take the advice of one doctor, very much so from five!

I think you have an issue regarding denial. Anxiety can present symptoms so awful and feel so dangerous when they are not, because it's only anxiety (yes, it's ONLY anxiety). I've had palpitations and awful sounding breathing in the past which were all to do with anxiety.

11-01-14, 17:01
And just to clarify something: anxiety is not asymptomatic, nor does it cause only fear and anguish. For example, since I have had an anxiety problem, I suffered from indigestion, heartburn, stress headaches and difficulty swallowing. Those are physical, not "mental" symptoms-but still caused by anxiety. Your dizziness may well fall into same category-actually, if we take opinions of your five doctors, it DOES fall into same category.

11-01-14, 20:11
i really do appreciate the support & i'm trying my very best to take all the advice on board but it's difficult. MS is supposedly hard to diagnose and when i have pains everywhere, tingling and pins in needle in my hands and feet even when i'm lay relaxed and constant dizziness it's difficult not to be concerned. The pressure on the bridge of my nose is gone some days and then returns others, it feels like there's a peg on the bridge of my nose, i really can't explain it. the beta blockers don't seem to be helping at the moment, they're just making me feel sleepy

11-01-14, 20:26
i really do appreciate the support & i'm trying my very best to take all the advice on board but it's difficult. MS is supposedly hard to diagnose and when i have pains everywhere, tingling and pins in needle in my hands and feet even when i'm lay relaxed and constant dizziness it's difficult not to be concerned. The pressure on the bridge of my nose is gone some days and then returns others, it feels like there's a peg on the bridge of my nose, i really can't explain it. the beta blockers don't seem to be helping at the moment, they're just making me feel sleepy

There is a thing called "tension headache" and one of the main thinks it causes is forehead pressure. :)

Multiple Sclerosis? Well, you have the answer for that-you completed 35min of strenuous cardio exercise. With multiple sclerosis, BELIEVE ME, you wouldn't have been able to do that. You wouldn't have been able to climb the stairs, let alone exercise :) Not to mention that you would never ever have passed a neurological exam with MS.

Whatever it is, as I said, just try to live a normal, healthy life and give it three weeks-month. Try to get it out from your head. Try not to call Dr G. too-the urge is sometimes irresistible, I know it as good as anybody here. Often I'm not able to resist it either. When that's the case, at least limit your time-for example, say to yourself: in the next 10 minutes I am going to find every symptom of multiple sclerosis on Google but after that i WILL NOT TOUCH IT for the next WEEK.

Even if it's some serious condition (which clearly isn't the case here), a month wait will not make it worse. Therefore, onwards and upwards, and let the doctors doctoring :)

11-01-14, 22:13
thanks for the advice. it's reassuring to know the doctors would probably have picked up on anything serious but articles and posts online about people who were misdiagnosed and overlooked scare me. I'm going to try my best to accept it's anxiety and begin the Linden Method tomorrow but it's the way my symptoms progress that worries me. Tonight my throat feels really tight like it's closing and i have tingling in fingers, twitches at the top of my legs, real aches and pains in my fingers and inside my ears. This is all on top of the dizziness and depersonalisation.

I really do appreciate the support of everyone on here, it's been a great help and great source of comfort to know i'm not alone. i apologise for struggling to take advice on board, i know how frustrating it is trying to advise people and them not taking what you say on board. I am trying my best to accept it's anxiety and take advice but the symptoms are progressing and changing so rapidly that as soon as i accept the anxiety diagnosis something else crops up and makes me doubt it. It just seems to be getting worse day by day

12-01-14, 00:30
It's anxiety... Your reminding me of me a few months ago when my anxiety was at it's worse..
The bridge of the nose thing is a classic symptom for me... I get this weird pressure...I think it's actually from hyperventilating as I get a similar sensation when I cry!
I would really push your doctors for some CBT also have you looked into reading any books?

12-01-14, 01:02
i just had the worst sensation ever. a real calm feeling came over me and a huge sense of impending doom as though something was about to happen. i convinced myself i was about to have a seizure and felt like i wanted to scream and curl up in a ball. i think i had a huge panic attack which ended in me vomiting but it was so frightening and unnerving. the feeling i had prior to the panic attack was awful, i can't put it into words.

I'm going to ask for CBT when i next see my doctor but what just happened has really frightened me and again made me fear that this is more than anxiety. I've started reading the Linden Method and plan to start with the tapes tomorrow.

12-01-14, 12:02
has anyone else ever had the horrible feeling i got last night? it was petrifying. every day i wake up feeling so sluggish and dizzy, i feel like things are worsening. i became petrified and sure i was about to have a seizure, it was a horrible feeling within me, a strange calmness i can't explain.

12-01-14, 12:27
Iv had all your symptoms and more.

For past few days iv had one sided headaches and sharp pains, tingling one side of head and face and pressure across my nose and eyes.

The impending doom is your anxiety, something i have had loads.

I struggle to believe i have just anxiety sometimes, i find it hard to believe all these physical symptoms are from anxiety. If i could accept this, then that's half the battle and the symptoms would go away.

mandie x

12-01-14, 14:38
i really think i'm going to have to go and get checked out properly. This is just getting worse and my symptoms are progressing. The aches and pains all over my body are more severe and the pressure on my head combined with headaches above my eyes are becoming constant. These symptoms are not consistent with those people suffer with anxiety, i have a high pain threshold and these are really beginning to bother me. I never usually get headaches at all

12-01-14, 17:38
i really think i'm going to have to go and get checked out properly. This is just getting worse and my symptoms are progressing. The aches and pains all over my body are more severe and the pressure on my head combined with headaches above my eyes are becoming constant. These symptoms are not consistent with those people suffer with anxiety, i have a high pain threshold and these are really beginning to bother me. I never usually get headaches at all


You probably need to do just that, see your doctor and get tested for whatever it is you need to be tested for. As much as everyone here has tried to reassure you, it's obvious you're in the midst of an HA spiral and beyond simple reassurance. Besides, reassurance is simply a temporary fix and one must be careful of as it's addictive to the HA sufferer. Seeing your doctor and getting tests is a very common progression. I'm quite confident you will check out fine. In the time I've been on the boards here, I've yet to see someone's worst fears become reality. Hopefully, when that happens you will ask for a referral for some counseling, CBT, meds or a combination thereof. Once you recognize the dragon flying around you, you can become a dragon slayer and stop him from breathing fire down your neck.

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 23:35
i have never been more scared in my life. i have had a persistent hard lump in my gland under my chin on the right side of my neck for a long time but never thought anything of it at all. My parents told me it was normal and nothing to worry about. Tonight i realised after looking online that there's a very real chance i could be suffering from lymphoma and it would explain my symptoms worsening over a period of time and me feeling so ill. As soon as i read about it i knew that this is what i'm suffering from. I'm absolutely petrified and can't believe i was completely unaware of what i'm probably suffering from. I'm petrified.

12-01-14, 23:57
i have never been more scared in my life. i have had a persistent hard lump in my gland under my chin on the right side of my neck for a long time but never thought anything of it at all. My parents told me it was normal and nothing to worry about. Tonight i realised after looking online that there's a very real chance i could be suffering from lymphoma and it would explain my symptoms worsening over a period of time and me feeling so ill. As soon as i read about it i knew that this is what i'm suffering from. I'm absolutely petrified and can't believe i was completely unaware of what i'm probably suffering from. I'm petrified.

Here we go again :)

Firstly, if you had untreated cancer for a long time you would be six feet under by now.

Secondly, cancer doesn't present itself by doing nothing at all except a little lump for long time, then suddenly overcoming you with all sorts of aches, pains, tinglings and sensations in two days.

Thirdly, your lump doesn't have to be a gland at all. It can be one of several things: fatty tissue or a cyst. Even if it's a swollen lymph node (gland)-it doesn't mean it has to be from cancer.

Fourthly, dizziness and spaced-out feeling are not symptoms of lymphoma-symptoms of lymphoma are fever, drenching night sweats (you go to sleep, in an hour you're awake and your pajamas, sheets and body are soaking wet), flashes of hot and cold, fatigue (which would absolutely prevent you from doing 35 minutes of cardio) and so on.

Fifthly, if you were able to connect your problems to lymphoma so quickly with a 10 minute Internet research, don't you think five fully trained medical professionals who examined you could do the same? If they have seen anything fishy about your lump-believe me, they'll be all over you in an instant.

Here what you can do: go back to your GP, and try to calm down as much as possible before that. When you get to him, just calmly and in logical manner tell him everything you told us. About your aches and pains, about the lump, about your anxiety and fear of scleroses and lymphoma. Don't miss any symptom, but don't miss anxiety too. If he orders further testing-do further testing. If he tells you there's nothing to worry about-start tackling your anxiety.

13-01-14, 00:05
^^^^ what he said x 10....

Positive thoughts

13-01-14, 00:07
it hasn't been for 2 days though, this has been going on for over 2 weeks now and i've felt unwell for over 2 months. From what i've read it certainly sounds like there's a high chance it could be cancerous. it is a gland as i've checked the positioning of lymph nodes and it's one right under the jaw to the side of the adams apple, the gland on the left side is significantly smaller and isn't hard like the one on the right. I get the occasional night sweats but that's normal, i haven't noticed sweating anymore than usual lately but i have been getting flashes of hot and cold. Today i've been getting a horrible ache up my right index finger that is incredibly painful and hard to explain. The first doctor i saw checked my glands however it was a very brief check and the others have not checked them. I still feel very unwell and seem to be getting worse with how i feel. i'm going to go back to the doctor and get them to examine the lump as i'm very concerned about it. if he says there's nothing wrong i will believe it's anxiety but i don't see how i can feel as unwell as i do now as a result of anxiety alone. I feel physically sick tonight with burning sensations on the back of my neck and down my arms and legs.

13-01-14, 00:16
Let us know how you make out and what the doctor says.

Positive thoughts

13-01-14, 00:20
i don't have a doctors appointment till Thursday so i don't know whether to book one sooner or wait till then. I'm absolutely petrified. I don't know why this is happening to me.

13-01-14, 07:58
i don't have a doctors appointment till Thursday so i don't know whether to book one sooner or wait till then. I'm absolutely petrified. I don't know why this is happening to me.

Wait till Thursday. It's only three days. In the meantime, try to ignore and forget about it. Remember, you have to appear calm and collected in doctor's office. And do not forget to tell him absolutely everything, don't omit either symptoms or anxiety. Let us know what he said and get well soon! :)