View Full Version : should I believe the doctor ?

10-01-14, 19:47
Some of you may know I have been experiencing mild rib and back aches and niggles.
Want to the dr yesterday and she had a bit of a prod and said she couldn't feel anything untoward, she also said that when I had a scan on my ovaries in October that the person doing the scan had scanned my kidneys,spleen,liver and pancreas as well as my ovaries but I cant remember her putting the probe on my upper stomach :wacko:
She prescribed me lansoprazole for what she thinks is acid reflux ...

10-01-14, 19:52
Yep - they can actually scan all those organs - I had one done a while ago and it was amazing what they get. I bet it is nothing serious....and it could very well be acid reflux! Give the meds a try - worst case is you have to go on back to the Dr.!! :-)

10-01-14, 19:57
To answer your question? Yes, you should believe your doctor. Acid reflux is one of the most common physical side effects of anxiety.
Start looking into treating your anxiety and you'll be treating the niggles that stress you out ;)

Positive thoughts

10-01-14, 21:00
She did prescribe me some sertraline 50mg, on reading the info leaflet that came with them it lists side effects, it states that 1rare effect is cancer , yes it's rare but it has scared me .

10-01-14, 21:04
I cant TOTALLY sympathise with rib aches and pains!!! I've been on about it for ages.. had rib pains for about 6 months. All my doctor has done is had a prod and poke around and said it seems muscular. Had bloods done last May and she said my liver was tested then so it cant be anything to do with that.

Anyway.. yes, you should believe your doctor. It's more than their jobs worth to tell you something that just isnt true. I know it's hard when the doubt sets in, but they arent going to risk their whole career just to give you some false reassurance. It costs nothing for them personally to refer you for some tests, but it would cost them a whole lot more if they didnt and there was something wrong. So it's just not worth the risk for them. If they said the tests checked everything, believe them.

11-01-14, 19:17
I can understand your worry about believing the doctor and funnily enough I was thinking the same thing as hangingbasket today, it is a huge risk for a doctor to not diagnose things properly. They just would not take any chances. I've had blood tests, urine tests, examinations from all my docs, plus an ultrasound. I've had a kidney infection, thrush and now a blocked bowel, over the last month and each time I've had a through examination. They've been brilliant, they've taken my concerns seriously and each time have prescribed with reassurance. At my last appt my doc even drew a diagram to explain what's happened with my bowels. Like you say they can't take any chances and if there's any possibility of something serious they would not hesitate to send you to hospital, my last doc said he might needs to do that, over the phone before he saw me in person, but thankfully I didn't need to go. With health anxiety there's always doubt but trust your doctor, they've never been wrong in all the time I've been with mine.

11-01-14, 20:10
Tanks for replies, I really want to believe them but I'm scared. When I had the scan on my ovaries, I cannot remember the sonographer scanning any other part of me other than my kidneys and ovaries so can't see how she would have checked spleen and pancreas:shrug:

12-01-14, 10:56
Tanks for replies, I really want to believe them but I'm scared. When I had the scan on my ovaries, I cannot remember the sonographer scanning any other part of me other than my kidneys and ovaries so can't see how she would have checked spleen and pancreas:shrug:

Because it's basic anatomy-when they scan you, they scan the whole thing, because it's simply there :) They can't just target one area and find everything that's going on there. It's not a cruise missile technology, you know :)

12-01-14, 11:24
Because it's basic anatomy-when they scan you, they scan the whole thing, because it's simply there :) They can't just target one area and find everything that's going on there. It's not a cruise missile technology, you know :)

Which in many respects is a good thing otherwise they would accidentally be scanning someone else, or a completely uni tended target!

12-01-14, 11:26
Which in many respects is a good thing otherwise they would accidentally be scanning someone else, or a completely uni tended target!

Well, can't talk more about that thing-as I am in Germany currently, I'm afraid NSA will pick this conversation and kill me somewhere in the streets with a poisonous umbrella :D

12-01-14, 11:29
Yes they did the same to me, and scanned all 'my bits' even though I wasn't aware of it at the time. I think they have to do it.