View Full Version : New and hopeful

10-01-14, 23:41
I was on seroxat 20mg for 3yrs plus then on 40 mg for 3 months now after an episode I am on mirtazapine 30 mg not feeling good dizziness irritable vivid dreams and much more not sure if it is withdrawal or new drug I could do with some advice please

11-01-14, 00:07
I just wanted to say :welcome:.

I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. Have you asked your doctor what to expect?

11-01-14, 00:32
I am going to see my doc on Tuesday but she didn't prescribe the drug it was a psychiatrist who I only seen the once

11-01-14, 13:12
Hi New and Hopeful,
Mirtazapine also gave me extremely vivid dreams and dizziness when I was first prescribed it. I do not recall irritability. I am no longer taking this particular medication because for me there was extreme weight gain and I am a small person by design. Everything back to normal now. Hope this helps a little bit.

11-01-14, 14:04
Thanks I decided last night to drop my dose back to 15 mg as I felt so bad I was uncontrollably emotional wanting to constantly cry and also short tempered. I feel much better today. Didn't have as many vivid dreams last night but I am still dizzy and have like brain zaps every few seconds.