View Full Version : This is a celebration thread

11-01-14, 00:55
I see plenty of threads worrying about HA and potential symptoms and not enough about the little victories in life. They get lost in the mounds of HA (which is completely acceptable as I'm just as bad) but I feel like the positives can help people as well.

I went out with my friends and I had a whole day without any HA or symptoms. I feel awesome.

Share and feel great friends :-)

11-01-14, 00:59
I don't have HA, but I am in the battle to get my life back from Panic Disorder.....because of that I have become overly sensitized to every little physical feeling- wondering if it is from the meds, the anxiety, etc.

Well, for two days- I just haven't let myself worry about it. I know I have anxiety. I know those symptoms can't hurt me, and if something is coming from the meds- then I need to ride it out anyway. I have felt WAY BETTER getting those thoughts reigned in.

Thanks for the great post!

11-01-14, 01:06
I didn't want this to come across as a 'you're all bad for posting negative thoughts on here' as obviously we're all here for the same reason and that we all want to feel better.

But there definitely isn't enough of a focus on the positives and on life's small victories.

Well done TooMuch, sounds like you're having a good few days :-)

11-01-14, 01:10
You should post in the success forum so we can all see it

11-01-14, 01:10
Sorry, didn't realise there was a celebration forum (newbie!)

11-01-14, 01:25
Well done for what you have achieved, it makes you feel good doesn't it, when you have had a good day.

Negativity unfortunately comes with the disorder.