View Full Version : Death anxiety

11-01-14, 01:50
Can anyone here help me by giving advice for death anxiety? I'm 17 and I think about death constantly. I think about my parents and my older siblings also and it gets to the point where the anxiety is bad enough i start crying. I tell myself that death for me and my parents and siblings is so far along the road and I feel better for a couple of minutes but then I start thinking that it is going to happen eventually. I'm not a religious person but as soon as this fear started I found myself reading books and articles and watching videos of people who had gone to heaven. One in particular, Don Piper. His story is amazing and it inspires me and just makes me feel better when I do think about the inevitable.

11-01-14, 07:35
This is very normal. From the age of 5 I feared my Nan passing. I knew I'd not cope with it, but I didn't dwell on it every day. My nan passed 18 months ago and I found it tough but I know she's in heaven, no longer suffering.

Life is precious and our time here is limited. It's horrible to say we could die tomorrow if a fridge fell from the sky and squashed one of us, but what see the chances? Slim, so why worry every day? Enjoy every day and just try to accept we all die and we go onto heaven or whatever you believe in.

This is common, even now at my age, I'm 34, it will suddenly hit me that wow, we die one day, I may even cry a little but I can not dwell on it. At a young age I was like you and found it hard to accept but take my advice, do not dwell or read/watch things about death. Embrace life, achieve everything you want and love your family because you're lucky to have one.

Take care xxx

11-01-14, 07:47
The only antidote to death anxiety, either for yourself or someone you love dearly, is acceptance.

It's something hard-learned, when the first person you love goes, but it gets easier from there.

Take care.

11-01-14, 11:18
Since meeting my husband I've felt like this. I see his family who are very successful (I'm talking fat pay cheques and working in the City) and in a very short amount of time and there's me who has no achievements to boast about, other than writing a novel, and I feel like I've wasted my life. I fear death too, I see my life and think 'Christ, I'm a third through my working life and nothing to show for it' and 'I'm over half way until I'm classed as middle aged'.

What I've done is to start changing that. I'm going back to college to train to become a counsellor, my writing is better than ever because I put a lot of work into it (ridiculous amounts) and basically look after myself more, if it's cosmetically or dietary. I find doing more in your life, while accepting that the inevitable will happen, makes the anxiety less so.

11-01-14, 12:49
I just joined this forum. Sometimes when I read the stories it makes me very nervous...I get morning attacks- I drink so I think it's linked to that. I used to get attack at 12 but cannot understand why? I know alcohol can cause attacks too. Maybe somebody can advise how to stop drinking (12 units a week). I get this weird feeling when I need to do a Num2, when done I feel better? I've seen many doctors, lots of change and trying medication. Only benzos calm me down but that is not a solution it's just a PRE-menary fix which I don't want.

I'm I the only person? Thx u

11-01-14, 14:05
No, Posam, you are not the only person :) why don't you create your own thread so we can keep this one for Eggplant and a separate one for you?

Welcome to the forums!

11-01-14, 16:11
I have this fear too :( i have also made a thread about this is the past.. although it is still one of my major fears somthing that helped me is this.. being 17.. i realised i have had 6,000 days on this planet.. if i live till the life expectancy of 80 this is still another 21,000 days of life! therefore now is not the time for worrying :) hope you feel better soon! I think it is definately the age, i think its the age when its the transition towards adulthood and so its the first time we are faced with our own mortality.. i think over time it well be far far easier t oaccept death :D I have also noticed that a lot of 'death' posts are all posted by people of a similar age to ourselves! I hope this helps a little.. here if you need me! :)

12-01-14, 08:57
Hi Posam,

12 units of alcohol per week is not regarded as excessive (so long as it is spread throughout the week). This should give some relaxation without negative effects.

Also, feelings of relaxation after emptying your bowels are also normal.

If you still feel strong negative feelings despite the above, then the first call is with your doctor. They are there to help - that's their job.

Sorry if this reply has strayed from the original post of death anxiety.