View Full Version : Figured it out. Tooth abscess

11-01-14, 01:52
Hello everyone,

This is a bit if a celebratory and nervous post.

So I think I finally cornered what has been going on with me.
If you have seen my other posts you would know I've freaked out about HIV and brain tumors and ms etc etc

Well, a quick backstory is that I started feeling pressure in the back of the head about 6 months ago, and came to realize that it was probably from my wisdom teeth. I have all 4, not impacted, but my jaw is too small to fit them all without discomfort.

Anyways, fast forward to just this past Tuesday, I got the two on the left side out after getting an x ray and discovering that the bottom left had what the dentist called "a tiny bit of abscess". I was on antibiotics for a week before the extraction, but I can't tell if they did anything.

The day after getting the tooth out I started to experience a sore throat, and yesterday it turned into cold symptoms.

I have a congested nose, no taste, sore throat, cough, etc. I also have been experiencing weird waves of weakness, where my body feels like it doesn't wanna get up. It's not too bad, but definitely a weird feeling. I also am cold one second and sweating warm the next.

I'm taking meds for the cold like symptoms. But I'm worried that the abscess can spread or become even more infected with the cold

I messaged my dentist and he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I know abscess isn't something to play around with and I'm terrified of it spreading to the brain or heart!!