View Full Version : New Here, Just looking for others.

11-01-14, 02:14
Hello, I am Andy. I am 24 Male, and I suffer from Panic disorder. Which is described as "Uncontrolled" and it results in me being deemed "Incompetent", as of right now I have been trying new medication. I am on Celexa at the moment, I got off of Effexor a few weeks back. I could not stand it. Otherwise, I take Clonazepam when needed.

I am just looking for a place to discuss symptoms. A place to go for safety to discuss with others about the disease as I would refer it.

I have not been able to work after 5 years of battling this. I finally decided to completely devote myself to becoming stable, which is hard in its own right.

I tried to fight this for 4 years without medication, and without help. This obviously never would have worked, considering my condition is categorized as uncontrolled and severe, which basically means that I will have to do behavioral therapy and retrain my brain for years before it is on track again.

I just thought I would introduce myself with that little info. I am hoping for a great support system here. It really seems like a great one. (I have been lurking for about 5 months)

Thank you everyone.

11-01-14, 02:20
Hey Andy,

I also have severe panic disorder. You are going to be in good company here.

Have you read anything by Dr. Claire Weeks? Also, do you have a full understanding of what panic attacks are concerning your physiology? That has helped me immensely.

We are here for you....feel free to visit with me at anytime. :)

11-01-14, 02:26
Thank you for the reply.

I have read some of Dr. Weekes. I have also done some mediation, and yoga, which helps temporarily.

I am well aware of my type of panic, I am aware of my fight or flight mechanism, and how distorted it is. I have seem quite a few professionals over the years, but nothing changed. The medications did, but the symptoms did not. I experience many adrenaline imbalances as well as physical symptoms, and phantom pains.

I am very comfortable chatting with the people here. I was not at first (hence the lurking for 5 months) I actually do not like to tell anyone about it at all.

11-01-14, 07:09
That's really interesting details.