View Full Version : No sleep

11-01-14, 17:52
Been so poorly last three days stomach pain feeling like I need to urinate all the time awful awful gas like every few minutes , I know this sounds gross but I've been eating dried figs and apricots to help my bowels but they come out whole , pain on my right side is terrible . I know it's something serious the big C ..... Can't sleep at all

11-01-14, 18:07
Don't jump the the conclusion of the Big C, it's an irrational thought and not healthy. Have you seen a doctor regarding the stomach pains?

12-01-14, 11:30
I had these pains first in July just after I found my brother dead . I went to docs sent me for sigmoid which was fine but then had a barium enema which was horrific pain like nothing on earth told well it will diagnose you 3weeks later got a letter that the images where not very good , I was horrified then got a letter for colonoscopy 6weeks later then October I have NOT been able to go I've hit a brick wall I broke down couldn't do it I know I know what people will think WHAT A WUSS , so now the pain and stuff as started again ( also on menopause ) went to doctors Thursday sent me for loads of blood tests about 15 different things went Friday , but I'm so paranoid and scared that it's cancer but I know my thought is irrational , I'm waiting to see if bloods come up with anything and then I will try to battle my fears

12-01-14, 11:35
It could be the shock of your brothers death Cags! It could be grief and shock that you are experiencing. That is very common to feel it physically. Its post traumatic stress or psychosomatic.

12-01-14, 12:30
Just been Reading your posts Carole. I also think you are suffering from shock about your brothers death it is very common in people who have high anxiety levels. I suffer from IBS. I have fresh blood often in my stools but I know this is caused by my straining to much and constipation. I found that both acupuncture and reflexology helped my IBS. Please look into IBS as you are very stressed and this only makes it worse. I know this might not help but we all have to go. One question what would happen or how would you feel if the doctor said it is what you think it is. I do hope you feel well soon

13-01-14, 09:46
Kids ?

13-01-14, 12:27
I'm sorry to hear about your brother, sounds like it has a contribution towards the anxiety.

If you are still in pain then please have the colonoscopy, if you've missed the appointment then see your doctor, explain why you're worried and get another appointment. It's important to find out what's giving you pain.

14-01-14, 01:54
Try Valerian root in order to sleep

14-01-14, 02:22
Sorry don't know where the kids came from

---------- Post added at 02:22 ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 ----------

I have been reading your post again believe it or not it helps me to focus on something else. I think everyone on here will agree with me in saying we don't think you are a wuss, so many people feel like you it's natural to be frightened of the un known. You said previously you have been for a sigmoid was it a flexible one if it was then you did great going for it and the only difference between it and a colonoscopy is the length of the tube it is slightly longer so it does cause a bit of discomfort but you can have a sedative to help. I hope your test are back soon and you feel better

15-01-14, 01:48
Thank you doctors rang me the doctor wants to see me about me blood results so I have an appointment next week so I will wait to see what these show .... With the colonoscopy I don't think it's as much the test than the outcome ......