View Full Version : Diazepam

11-01-14, 18:05
New to the site and have a problem which I hope someone can help with. I have used diazepam for years but can no longer obtain them. I am scared witless I am going to fall apart without them as I have always used them for what I find are stressful situations such as travel (I have a bizarre mix of claustrophobia and agoraphobia which makes travel by train or plane for example incredibly difficult), high pressure business meetings, giving presentation etc.
Are there any alternatives which I can get - natural alternatives for example?
I am so worried I am considering buying online which deep down I know would be dumb and potentially dangerous.
Help please!!

11-01-14, 18:08
You need to speak to your GP for advise on other medication.

11-01-14, 18:12
The diazepam was never prescribed by GP and I am worried they will make a huge issue of this.
Are there any GPs out there who can advise how I show play this??

11-01-14, 18:21
Who prescribed it you? Have you been using it daily?

11-01-14, 18:24
Have got some major stresses going on in life, bereavement, divorce, loss of job to but 3! Not obtained through official routes - I guess the source is academic it's what the hell I do from here.

11-01-14, 18:24
We are not doctors on this site, you need to see your GP for advise. Drinking at least 4 cups of chamomile tea a day is calming but not sure it will help with withdrawal from Diazepam if you have been taking it for so long.

11-01-14, 18:28
You need to see your Gp, diazepam withdrawal needs to be done slowly, just explain the situation to your Gp Im sure they have heard and seen it all before, going cold turkey is not recommended.

11-01-14, 18:29
I do understand by far the majority on here will not be GPs but fellow sufferers or ex sufferers but I am just hoping someone can give sound advice as to (1) what to do next (2) is my GP going to go nuts and create massive issue about where I got them from? I am sure you are probably right about doctors having seen and heard it all before but it doesn't stop me worrying

11-01-14, 18:31
The only advise we can give is to see your gp. To answer the question about how your gp will react, well that depends on your gp I guess but I think he will be more concerned about getting you sorted than where they came from.

11-01-14, 18:32
I very much doubt your Gp will go nuts, they are there to help you not to criticise you, do you just use diazepam in stressful situations because if so i doubt your addicted or is it on a daily basis because if so then you need to see your Gp for help.

11-01-14, 18:37
Almost exclusively in stressful situations but with all the recent stresses in my life my usage has undoubtedly increased as my nerves are shot to pieces and I am finding more and more things stressful

11-01-14, 18:43
Defiantly go and see your Gp Im sure they can help you, Im prescribed diazepam and my doc is quite happy to prescribe it me as i don't abuse it, some doctors are anti diazepam tho but still they won't expect you to cold turkey off it.

11-01-14, 19:02
I guess right now my big concern is how my GP will react and is he going to make a massive issue if where I got them from and force me to tell him that info which I really don't want to do

11-01-14, 19:09
Hi Dave, when was the last time you had a diazepam tablet and what strength are they? Roughly how often and how many were you taking?

I know exactly how you're feeling. I get a prescription for them every month from my Doctor even though I don't take them all the time, I just need to know I've got some there for stressful events.

---------- Post added at 19:09 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ----------

I guess right now my big concern is how my GP will react and is he going to make a massive issue if where I got them from and force me to tell him that info which I really don't want to do

I'd be prepared to get a lecture and disapproving looks over this. They may want to know if you bought them as if so the person you have bought them from is guilty of selling a class c drug so I hope it was just a friend giving you them not selling them.

All you can do is explain the situation and see how he reacts

11-01-14, 19:11
Your Gp won't force you to tell him where you got them from but if you've not been getting them from your Gp then you don't know for sure what exactly you've been taking, diazepam off the street isn't always clean cut diazepam so be careful.

11-01-14, 19:14
Bernie - no they were not sold to me. Given by someone who had stopped using them.
10mg tablets - taking maybe 5 a week.

I just can't face getting into more stress right now if GP reacts badly - I am on the edge as it is.

11-01-14, 19:21
Bernie - no they were not sold to me. Given by someone who had stopped using them.
10mg tablets - taking maybe 5 a week.

I just can't face getting into more stress right now if GP reacts badly - I am on the edge as it is.

Sorry to go on but I'm trying to work out if you're physically dependant. Have you been taking 5 10mg tabs for a long time or just recently. It's just that diazepam has a long half life in your system.

I thinks it's important your GP knows exactly how stressed and anxious you are feeling then he should give you something to help with that. If you do have a physically dependency they will have to help you with withdrawal, you can't go cold turkey as it can be dangerous and this is regardless of where you initially got the diazepam from. They help people addicted to illegal substances at the end of the day they have a duty of care to you.

11-01-14, 19:33
You are not going on at all - I really appreciate your advice. To be honest I think I am dependent on them. Been on them quite a long time - 12 months plus.

11-01-14, 19:42
You are not going on at all - I really appreciate your advice. To be honest I think I am dependent on them. Been on them quite a long time - 12 months plus.

Even if he won't continue to prescribe them to you long term I'm sure they'll have to help you taper off them. In the patient information it says you should gradually reduce under doctors guidance. If stopped suddenly you may experience unpleasant side effects, I won't go into those as I don't want to scare you. The main thing is rebound insomnia and anxiety, mood changes and restlessness.

Please let me know how you get on at the doctors, good luck

11-01-14, 19:48
Thanks Bernie.
I appreciate your advice and will let you know how it goes

11-01-14, 21:36

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

13-01-14, 12:45
The Ashton method diazepam tappering method is the best tapering program I have come across to date IMHO.

Search it up on google

Good luck

PS- depending on your GP, personality towards Benzos; he or she may sympathise with your predicament.

21-01-14, 17:58
airexpresschemist,not the cheapest but you will not get scammed on sites like topix (the valium forum has been shut down),they have an online doctor that will review your issue before selling you any diazepam to calm you down,goood luck