View Full Version : Anxious about headache and numbness? at a loss here need help and someone to talk to?

11-01-14, 18:21
Hi everyone,
I have come on here as a last resort really as I have been having ongoing problems since 2011. Its a long story but I will try to keep it simple.
Basically in August 2011 I woke up and the ring and little finger on my left hand was tingling, soon followed by the left side of my face and my left foot. I got very stressed out and thought I was having a stroke or something. I got very anxious about this and became unable to sleep or eat properly, and I developed a chronic tension headache, not localised to anywhere, just a constant headache. I also had a lot of floating shapes in my vision and put all these together and decided that it must be a brain tumour. (after lots of googling and the fact my best mates mum had just found out she had one) I went back and forth to the doctors a lot who prescribed me citalopram and sent me for a CT scan without contrast (by the time I had the CT it was october 2011) The results of the scan came back normal and eventually the symptoms subsided, the tingling in my foot being the last thing to go.
From around Jan 2011 - Feb 2013 I remained on the citalopram and felt pretty much ok. Infact I even joked and was quite embarrased about the fact I thought I had a brain tumour. I did suffer more headaches than I did in the past (before the tingling etc started) but I put that down to a busy job, lack of sleep and partying a lot due to the fact I was single at the time etc, I wasn't worried.
In Feb 2013 I started getting sharp, short headaches at the right hand side of my forehead, around my hairline. I maybe got these 3 times and they didn't last long, maybe a few seconds. Then I started having a constant headache, I had just moved in with my boyfriend so put it down to stress, but then my foot started to tingle again and it all started again...
I went to the nurse as I couldn't get an app with the GP who said it was maybe sinus related, I told her about the tingling being back but she didn't really acknowledge it and gave me a course of antibiotics. I felt ok after taking them for maybe 4 days or something and then the headache and the tingling in my left foot came back. I had this constantly every single day, the tingling in my left foot and the headache at the right side of my head. Here we go and I am now thinking that this has to be a brain tumour. I had a call from my doc to say they wanted to give me a medication review, this was around last summer time, maybe June. So I went in and I told him that the main reason that I went on the citalopram was because I thought I had a brain tumour due to these headaches, tingling and problems with my vision, and he just said have you had a scan, when I said yes in 2011 (we are in 2013 at this point) he then had a look in my eyes with a light and pretty much dismissed me, saying it was migraines.
I left it another few months, putting up with the tingling and constant headaches, and the feeling of my left side being weaker and just feeling different to my right side.
I went back to the doctor who refered me for the original CT scan around september time, she said she knows it is 'always in the back of both of our minds' that it could be a brain tumour, but she thinks its unlikely I will need any more imaging due to the fact I only had a scan 2 years ago which was clear and that in between now and the first time I had the tingling and headache I have felt well. She also said it would be a morning headache if it was a tumour... she prescribed me amitriptyline and Naproxen which I have been taking since then and they have made no diffence. The last time I went to visit her was around 3 weeks ago and she just told me to take 1 more amitriptyline a night and to 'try relaxation techniques'..
here we are in Jan 2014. The headaches seem to be much worse on a morning, upon waking. As soon as I open my eyes I have this shooting pain in the right side for up to half an hour and then it fades to the constant headache that I have become used to. My left foot always tingles and I feel as though it is numb and that side of my body is much weaker. I occasioanlly feel nauseous and this past week I have become very dizzy.. could this be the naproxen?? or is it another symptom of this brain tumour??
I have convinced myself this is what it is, my boyfriend is understanding and knows why I am concerned but he keeps repeating that he can not do anything and I can tell he is getting frustrated, I wouldn't blame him if he left me. I'm worrying my parents sick and it is effecting every aspect in my life. I feel like the boy who cried wolf as in the past I have gone to my GP saying I have had appendicitis, ovarian cancer, bone cancer.. and of course this headache which I think is a brain tumour. No wonder they don't take me seriously but I have felt like this for a year straight now and I just want answers.

Is this all just my health anxiety driving me crazy and no one taking me seriously or do you think this really could be a brain tumour? I am 25, I just don't know what to do.

---------- Post added at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

I also got taken off the citalopram after the medication review I forgot to add. also one of the recent things my doc said was ''we can't afford to send you for scans to reassure you every 2 years''
but then im reading all these missed brain tumours online and people dying etc and just thinking she isn't taking me seriously..

---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ----------

I also keep thinking I can smell odd smells, like burning or something, and as though I can't get my thoughts in order or I will hear odd random voices in my head about nothing I was thinking about, I can't decide if this is cos I have read that these are symptoms of a brain tumour or cos I actually have one...

11-01-14, 18:49
Hi Kayleigh

Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I have been there and no matter what people tell you it doesn't stop you from worrying. :hugs:

When my migraines started I, like you thought that they were from a brain tumour. My little finger on my left hand and ring finger go all tingly quite regularly. When I went to my GP he said that a brain tumour rarely causes headaches it would be problems with motor skills, speech etc.

So how convinced was I when I started getting headaches which caused me to go blind in one eye, lose the ability to speak, confusion, thoughts very clouded and jumbled, inability to understand people taking and feeling like I'd had a stroke. I also had episodes where I would look in the mirror and part of my face would be missing in a blind spot on my eye. Or I'd look at the tv and part of it was missing.

It was actually caused by aura, a neurological symptom of a complex migraine.

I think you may be getting some aura symptoms of a migraine including the tingling in your fingers.

Also, it has stood the test of time. If you did have a brain tumour then you would have deteriorated quite badly over the past few years and its reassuring that your last CT scan found no tumour.

I think your health anxiety is exacerbating the headaches and your anxiety is creating more symptoms.

I know its hard not to worry and obsess over your health when things happen.

I have found that acupuncture helps my migraines alot. Along with massage.

Ask at a local college for reduced price indian head massage to relieve the tension and some neck and back massage to relax you.

I can guarantee if you could conquer your anxiety that the headaches and tingling will be less frequent.

11-01-14, 19:50
Thank you Katie for your reply :)
Do you think it is possible to have a migraine pretty much 24/7 for a year straight? I just think to myself if it is migraine surely it would come and go not be here all the time.
I'm really hoping it is all just anxiety and isn't actually a brain tumour. I work myself up so much!