View Full Version : I fake it well

11-01-14, 21:21

I'm not sure what I'm doing, but if it works even a little bit for anxiety-relief, I guess it's worth it.

It might sound odd, but I'm actually a quite self-confident person who's always been envied for her self-esteem. The problem is, I'm so socially isolated, it's beginning to get to me. I've always been a loner, I suppose, but I never really minded because I was always either the smart kid at school always keeping her mind busy or, later in life, utterly consumed with exhausting but interesting and rewarding work.

I changed my job a little over a year ago and for various reasons have been more or less stuck in a dreadful, mind-numbing boredom that serves only to reveal to me the emptiness around.

A lot, well... most of it is down to the fact that I live in a country that's just a bad match for me and where I've been guilty of retreating into my shell and not learning the language. I accept that as my responsibility, but frankly, I'd rather have a whine for now and plot my way out and call it a day.

Phew. It's already starting to feel good to type all this out.

Thanks for listening.

13-01-14, 11:02
Glad you got it off your chest! I'm guessing your British in Poland, would that be right?

I'm also a bit of a loaner and am desperate to be with people but its so hard to do, and can be so frustrating. We have a chat room here which can be full of banter, advice and other strange things so feel free one evening to pop in if you can. I know I have found it helpful to interact with people even if its only online.

Take Care

14-01-14, 16:07
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.