View Full Version : Weird Rash On Face!!

12-01-14, 03:08
Hi Everyone

Not long after my dinner I took a walk to the local garage, when I got back my fiancee asked me to run her a bath on doing so I looked in the mirror to find red spots but they're not spots sort of like blemishes but the size of a spots on my face appearing, i got really concerned on returning to the bathroom an hour later to notice more had appeared I took a closer look and it seems to me it's under my skin and it's really freaking me out now....because I done what we all shouldn't do and went on Google to find out stuff like I'm getting eating alive etc.... I think you all know Google fires the worst possible scenarios at us but some advice or reassurance if anyone can would really be appreciated.

Petesy :-)

---------- Post added at 03:08 ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 ----------

Anyone at all??

Daisy Sue
12-01-14, 09:06
Hi Petesy... I'm sure you're not being eaten alive! It's probably something really innocent like a sensitivity reaction to something, or from the cold air when you went for a walk - I know it was nearly zero here last night - or maybe a viral rash. How do you feel otherwise? Have you got a sore throat or temp or anything?

If you are worried, either pop into a pharmacist's today and ask them to have a look, or ring 111 & describe to them what it's like and explain that you're anxious about it.