View Full Version : Side effects or depression :(

12-01-14, 10:09
This is my fourth month after I increased to 40 mg prozac, I am experiencing nausea, irritation, lack of motivation, sadness, feeling like want to vomit, unstable sleeping, either I dont sleep or I sleep excessively. My Doctor said these are side effects that will fade away, I'm on my 4th week, I feel terrible, I did very well on 20mg prozac it was amazing, felt alive again. NOw I feel so bad, and next week I have to go with work to another far town, and stay for some days, I feel terrible, if I dont go I lose my job. Ive done that before I just dont know is it better to go and face it! Or this may make my depression worst? In anxiety should we face and not avoid? I'm so lost please can someone tell me what to do, and if they experienced such symptoms.

12-01-14, 20:22

It usually takes medication a good 6 weeks to start working effectively, so it is possible that the symptoms you are experiencing are in fact side effects.

Perhaps you should talk to your doctor about remaining on 20mg as it made you feel good!?

Staying away for a few days might be a good distraction.

I was on Sertraline and had many of the symptoms you have described.

Best of luck. Keep us updated. :)