View Full Version : Very worried I have stomach cancer

12-01-14, 13:24
I'm at my wits end, my health anxiety is working overtime at the moment. I've had diarrhea (often like it's not digested) and constipation, burning in stomach, muscle and joint pain, blocked bowel, feeling flushed...feel awful. Before this I suffered from horrible acid reflux for a long time. I'm waiting for the result of a stool test, doc thinks might have infection of the gut-hopefully will have results by end of week, referred for stomach/pancreas/liver ultrasound, but have to wait nearly 3 weeks. I'm so worried as I know a h pylori bacteria infection can vastly increase chances of stomach cancer and it's even worse knowing that stomach cancer is not curable. I'm convinced that I've not got long left. Today is not a good day :-(( total anxiety overload I'm totally convinced I'm going to die soon and leave my family, just want to cry. Very scared. :-((

12-01-14, 13:34
Who told you that stomach cancer can not be cured? In can be cured in some circumstances. One of my friends has stomach cancer for which she has just had surgery for. Any way that for you is jumping straight to a worst case scenario which I very much doubt it is. I think you would have worse symptoms than you describe by now.
If your GP thought for one second that it could be serious he would not have you waiting 3 weeks for an ultrasound. I am sure that this is something that is quite simple.

12-01-14, 13:43
Thank you so much Annie0904, you have made me feel so much better! Just what I've heard and read....think I'm just tired and fed up, really appreciate your reply :bighug1:

12-01-14, 13:45
No problem :) I have ibs and my symptoms are very similar to yours.

12-01-14, 13:46
Jonjo didn't I see you saying you were on Sertraline? It's known to give you bowel/stomach problems!

12-01-14, 13:51
Big hugs :hugs:
I'm 110% sure the you don't have stomach cancer .... I still think alot of your symptoms are cause by sertraline...xxx

12-01-14, 14:10
You said it best yourself, your health anxiety is working overtime. What things are you doing to help your anxiety? Everything that you have described are extremely common symptoms of anxiety. They can make us feel terrible but they generally are nothing sinister.

12-01-14, 14:19
Thanks everyone, I do think that sertraline isn't helping matters, it's prob making it worse but mentally I'm calmer, even though it doesn't seem it! I've been on two antibiotics as well so think my system's messed up! Making sure I'm taking it on a full stomach. Think I need to get out for a walk to take my mind off it Xxx

12-01-14, 14:20
antibiotics always mess up my digestive system :(