View Full Version : Tool For The Day

12-01-14, 13:54
Good Morning all. I've been writing this morning and thinking of the tools in my tool chest. Which ones do I use unconsciously? Which ones do I use on a conscious level? Which ones could help me to have a great day and which ones I forget to use.

Today I am going to focus on using distraction to slay the dragon, anxiety. I have the entire day off, off from work and off from taking care of my Father. Sometimes an entire day looming before me with nothing to do can kickstart my anxiety. It's as if I don't always know what to do with myself, and I seem to not be totally comfortable with total relaxation. Too much time on my hands gives my anxiety time ti creep around the corner and see what mischief it can create.

Not today! Today, I am going to use distraction in a proactive manner. I have shopping to do: food for my household for the week, and food for the dogs and the kitten. I have bills to pay. I have laundry to do.

But wait, it's not all going to be work and drudgery. Can you tell that I don't like cleaning. Ha. I am going to watch Fringe on Netflix. I've gone back and started on season one. I am going to read a book. I am going to take the dogs for a walk. I'm going to take a long and luxurious bubble bath.

I am going to accomplish just enough purposeful tasks and just enough pleasurable events, that I'm not going to give anxiety a chance to sneak in the back door.

What tool are you going to use today to keep anxiety away?

12-01-14, 14:09
What an inspiring post Tanner! I too get anxiety over the prospect of a day with nothing to do! I am looking forward to watching Sherlock this evening :) I am going to use distraction because my anxious thoughts and feelings only occur when I focus on them so I wont give them that chance! x

12-01-14, 14:11
Good for you, Becky. What are you going to distract yourself with until Sherlock comes on! It always helps me to have a game plan. Attack first before anxiety attacks.

12-01-14, 14:19
I have to finish an essay which is always fun... hehe but I am going to watch a film with my sister and do some art! I love painting and havent done so for ages think its time I started again! x

12-01-14, 14:24
Great post Tanner. I was thinking about messaging you an hour or so ago to see how things are going with you (now I don't need to!)

I agree wholeheartedly with your comments. I too had a day all to myself today. The weird thing is that when I am feeling good and not in an anxious spell, I LOVE having time to myself. But when anxious (as I am now) it's the opposite. I woke up early and have spent all day so far keeping myself occupied, going from one thing to another. It's good in that it keeps the anxiety at bay, but sometimes I wish I could just relax and enjoy it!

Rant over, glad you are feeling better :hugs:

12-01-14, 14:27
Thanks for thinking of me, Ponchi. Glad to hear that you have kept yourself busy and kept the anxiety at bay today. I'm like you. Some days I can lay on the couch all day, watching movies and reading. Other days it is a bit more difficult to just chill out and relax. Concentrate on all that you accomplished today. Once you do that, I bet that you will be able to sit down and relax.