View Full Version : I am worried something will happen to my boyf on his hol

12-01-14, 17:19
I wonder if anyone can help me or has ever felt like this.
Basically my boyfriend is away this Thurs til Sund in the Canaries with his family.
I can't stop worrying something bad will happen to him.
I am worried the plane will crash. I am worried he will get attacked. I am worried he will get really drunk and something will happen.
I keep thinking he will go and I will never see him again and that he won't come back.
I can't stop.
Please help me

12-01-14, 17:25
I have the same worries about my kids when they go on holidays, I guess it is something that us anxiety sufferers get into our heads. Try to change the images in your mind. Think of your boyfriend having fun with his family, enjoying the flight, laughing. The chances of the situations you mention happening are VERY slim so dwell on the positives not the negatives. Look forward to the present he will hopefully bring back for you :)

12-01-14, 22:31
I have been on many holidays, some far dangerous than the Canary Islands, and I'm still in one piece :)

It's normal to feel like this. When I started dating my husband I used to get really worried when he was out late in Croydon, because I know there are some unfavourable characters there. I've been like that with most of my boyfriends, in fact. My mum was the same with me when I lived at home and she would not sleep until she heard the front door open at 3am (poor woman) after a night out.

Take this time to enjoy yourself. See friends and family that you normally wouldn't. Not only would it do you good to be in the company of others but it will help you to relax as well.

Make sure he buys you something nice and extra special from duty free ;)

27-01-14, 16:34
Just wanted to add that I am completely the same if my husband goes anywhere without me