View Full Version : Flippin' google!

12-01-14, 17:30
Afternoon all,
For the past 3 weeks I have been feeling fine! But past week I've had a slight pain under the rib return and slight pressure under the chest bone, I shrugged it off as wind / IBS! I was bored earlier and put the symptoms in google and the top results included pancreatic cancer - now I'm worried!

Why do we do this?

12-01-14, 18:57
Omg the dreaded google and its always cancer never a cold ,I dont have to google symptoms now because lol you know what its going to say :doh:

12-01-14, 19:56
I was fine b4 I looked at google! My doctor always tells me off when I tell him I've been googling.

12-01-14, 20:02
Oh the dreaded google! So many times I havent been to bad then *googles* oh look at all these things wrong with me I am going to die oh no! Google literally ruined my christmas needless to say I try as hard as possible to not google now!

12-01-14, 20:12
Exactly! I know that I've got ibs due to anxiety but part of me is worried that it's a lot worse! Just looking at this forum alone I see that what I have is very common with anxiety sufferers!! No more Dr google for me

12-01-14, 20:22
I have IBS too! I get a very weird sensation sometimes pain under my right rib. Doctor told me it was all anxiety!

12-01-14, 20:32
Based on the population of GB and the number of pancreatic cancer cases each year it's .015% chance you have it. Need I say more? ;) Why is it you all don't Google things like that or how to treat anxiety? I Googled a great recipe for homemade hummus and it's delicious! :)
Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 20:39
Don't worry! I have noticed that this symptom is very common on this site with us anxiety sufferers. I had xrays, bloodtests, and ultrasounds of my gallbladder pancreas stomach kidneys, ovaries, uterus, you name it. Nothing was found. Dr said ibs, I believe it was muscular. Mine seems to flair up when I have a sore spot on my lower right back. Stretching and a massage chair helped me. I would feel like I had something wedged under my rib cage. For woman who have had children, it felt like I had a foot in there.

12-01-14, 21:05
Based on the population of GB and the number of pancreatic cancer cases each year it's .015% chance you have it. Need I say more? ;) Why is it you all don't Google things like that or how to treat anxiety? I Googled a great recipe for homemade hummus and it's delicious! :)
Positive thoughts

I think, if my maths is correct that the rate is an average of 12 per 100000 which is even 10 times less likely than Fishmanpa's estimate.

12-01-14, 21:10
Bloody hell!!! I have right sided rib painand have done for months!!!!! Now even this post has made me want to google!!

12-01-14, 21:11
I think, if my maths is correct that the rate is an average of 12 per 100000 which is even 10 times less likely than Fishmanpa's estimate.

I never was that good in math ;)

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 21:57
Actually I shouldn't have been quite so sanctimonious lol you were right which means my maths was terrible!

Good job I am quite good as a healthcare commissioner l- otherwise there really would be no hope!

12-01-14, 22:01
Actually I shouldn't have been quite so sanctimonious lol you were right which means my maths was terrible!

Good job I am quite good as a healthcare commissioner l- otherwise there really would be no hope!

Here in the US based on 220 million and cases it's about .02%... still a VERY small percentage. Based on how many HA sufferers have IBS and other digestive system issues, it's not unusual to have the kinds of pains described in this and many, many other similar posts.... and I've not seen one yet turn out to be sinister.

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 22:12
Completely agree. But doesn't it highlight the major issue with HA? It is akin to my wife being 10 mins late home and being convinced she has died in a car accident. Of course it is remotely possible, but highly unlikely. With HA people assume the drastic and unlikely almost as if they are definite - the challenge and why CBT in my opinion can be so effective is the recalibration of that stimulus and response.

12-01-14, 22:20
I have tried to stay off google. Pain in chest..heart attack then read that you would get pain in neck as well , guess what? Next thing I have pain in my neck lol. Then I thought I had a lump in my wrist so Dr google says I have lung cancer , next thing I know I am struggling to breathe !! Not because I have lung cancer but because I have Anxiety. I have now found a one to one yoga , breathing coach On Google so instead of staying up til 2am googling every little pain I get, I googled something I hope will help.
I have lived with anxiety and depression since 2008 and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Try to stay off google and med help and symptoms uk and all the rest ..Cancer has so many symptoms that you are bound to have one of them !!! We will beat this one day xxx

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:19 ----------

I have tried to stay off google. Pain in chest..heart attack then read that you would get pain in neck as well , guess what? Next thing I have pain in my neck lol. Then I thought I had a lump in my wrist so Dr google says I have lung cancer , next thing I know I am struggling to breathe !! Not because I have lung cancer but because I have Anxiety. I have now found a one to one yoga , breathing coach On Google so instead of staying up til 2am googling every little pain I get, I googled something I hope will help.
I have lived with anxiety and depression since 2008 and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Try to stay off google and med help and symptoms uk and all the rest ..Cancer has so many symptoms that you are bound to have one of them !!! We will beat this one day xxx :yesyes:

12-01-14, 22:29
I'm seriously considering removing google because it is horrendous and can be an addiction, everything points to cancer. If it wasn't for other people in the house I would cancel my internet totally!!! Grrrr :mad:

12-01-14, 22:38
Completely agree. But doesn't it highlight the major issue with HA? It is akin to my wife being 10 mins late home and being convinced she has died in a car accident. Of course it is remotely possible, but highly unlikely. With HA people assume the drastic and unlikely almost as if they are definite - the challenge and why CBT in my opinion can be so effective is the recalibration of that stimulus and response.

That's catastophising and a big component in the HA cycle. You begin with a thought and the adrenalin starts flowing and then begins the cycle. 10 minutes late turns into a car accident. A niggle in the ribs becomes a heart attack etc. A simple niggle turns into thoughts of dying and leaving loved ones behind. Each thought gets the adrenalin flowing more and more until it's out of control.

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 22:40
Everything will always point to cancer because cancer can affect everywhere !!! What we need is to train ourselves not to Google. But even when I see my fingers approaching that keyboard and typing in whatever pain it is I have I can't stop myself lol....I am better and don't do it constantly now but I still do ....I need constant distraction and then I have zero pain. As Soon as I am alone it starts and so does Google aaarrgghh

12-01-14, 23:07
Yep, suzibandit I'm going to block websites as per fishpa's advice otherwise I'm chucking my iPad out and getting a non-internet phone!! Arrgh :)

13-01-14, 12:14
I didn't even begin to get better until I banned myself from googling. I still use the Internet but not for research on my own symptoms. It always lead to me catastrophizing a very small, insignificant event.

25-03-14, 16:59
Pain in ribs, rumbly tummy, tummy ache and burping a lot after meals.
Thought I had IBS, but had a slightly raised amylase reading on my last blood test.
Having another on Thursday to see if it's changed/got better/worse - then I may have to have a scan - convinced I have pancreatic cancer or similar and worried I may be dead soon......sound stupid?

25-03-14, 17:06
According to google i have some form of brain tumour!

25-03-14, 17:36
oooh, hummus. Love it with celery sticks :emot-yum:

25-03-14, 17:46
I have some pain under my rib too lately. I googled and came up with pancreatic cancer. Google has also told me I have a brain tumor, lymphoma, colon cancer, oral cancer, bone cancer, blood cancers, ovarian cancer, nasal cancer, lung cancer, ALS, MS, and all sorts of mental disorders. Dr. Google is awesome.

25-03-14, 18:34
According to dr google, i'm actually dead. And looking good for it too i think!!

25-03-14, 18:38
We need Tazers ( no idea of spelling) attached to our fingers that react on pressing search!:shades:

25-03-14, 19:05
Yea luc, or those collars you put on dogs that spray them in the face lol