View Full Version : Very upset and worried

16-11-06, 03:49
I havent been on for a while as iv had a lot going on in the way of work and life in general but im in need of some real support right now. I lost my job today. Granted I was only working once a week and I have another one, but it made me feel like id let myself and the other people around me down again! Its my third job in a year! Just when i think everythings going well, a hiccup comes along.

The reason I lost this job was because friday night, I hit the bottle really hard. One minute I was feeling on top of the world, the next I was so low, I had three options. Cut myself, kill myself, or drink. I chose the third, and after lots of vodka and whisky, mixed with my meds, I was bordering on psychotic. I was up all night ranting and raving saying things Id never dream of in my sane state, things I didnt even remember saying the next day, until my poor boyfriend told me.

Obviously i was so ill the next day i couldnt work. I knew it was impossible to get in a pool and teach kids how to swim in that state. I missed my singing lesson too, and on top of this all i embarrassed myself hugely. Hearing those words from my boss just now "Ness I need to let u go, I need someone reliable" has torn me up inside. Once again Ive screwed up I sometimes wonder whether i should just not bother, and im scared that im going to resort to the bottle again, or worse. I want to have a job that lasts a bit longer than a month and I dont want to have the urge to hurt or kill myself everytime something goes wrong. Please help.

16-11-06, 10:02
Hi Ness,

maybe you should take some time out from work for a while and have some 'me' time, until you feel stong enough to go back to work again, we all need time out sometimes and maybe the time is now for you.


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

21-11-06, 12:51
Thankyou Trac67 :)

Things are going relatively well now, but I've taken ur advice and decided to take things a bit easier, and see how they go. If I find that Im still having difficulties getting to work then Im going to take time off.

Thankyou again!

Love Ness