View Full Version : Please help (do not read if car crashes trigger your anxiety)

12-01-14, 20:15
So sorry to take up your time but please could I ask you to have a read.....

This last Tuesday one of my best friends daughters' two best friends were hit by a minibus as they crossed the Main Road

The two girls are currently in a critical but stable condition with serious head injuries and broken bones in the Queens medical centre in Nottingham, They are only 11 and had just got off the school bus.

A campaign has been started to get a pedestrian crossing to get a crossing for the road so this will not have a chance to happen again.

It has happened and has left so much devestation in its wake, 2 families and a lot of friends are heartbroken as the children fight for their lives.

I know most of you are not from anywhere near me BUT I would be really appreciative if you could do something for me xxx

Please please could you like this Facebook page... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Get-Northorpe-a-pedestrian-crossing/602984736435371?fref=ts

and perhaps more importantly please sign this E-petition.....we need as many names as possible, no matter where you come from.


Many many thanks
Emmz xxxxxxxx

12-01-14, 20:35
have signed it Emmz, wishing the girls a speedy recovery.

12-01-14, 21:20
So sorry to hear that Emmz. Really awful. I really hope they make a satisfactory recovery.

13-01-14, 11:11
Done. waiting for email to confirm. All the best xx

13-01-14, 23:10
So sorry to hear Emmz, hope the girls have a speedy recovery. :hugs: